Sunday, February 16, 2020

Physical Labor is Good For You - Right?

So it has been a sunny, but chilly, weekend. So of course it is a good time to work outside!

We got the weed barrier spread on 2 sections of the backyard (only one huge section left, and a smaller section). And the oval part was a royal pain.

Today we bought and covered it all with bark. 1 cubic yard of bark does not seem like that much....until  you are filling wheelbarrow after wheelbarrow with it, dumping it and starting all over!

But it covered more than we expected!

Also dug out an old, ugly, neglected hibiscus. Need to dig out the unknown fruit tree that doesn't bear fruit - or many leaves either! Still having our ongoing argument about one of the trees that I WANT GONE! And hubby says no - so it is either that one goes (and I think I am allergic to it when it blooms in early summer) or the two palm trees that look like hell because they get no sun at all because of it).

Husband also put a temporary gate into the fencing around the largest part of the garden - to make it easier for us to work in - but we also want to put a couple of chairs under the oak tree(s) and be able to enjoy the shade. Oh, and if you are wondering why the fencing? The answer is one simple word: dogs!

The miner's lettuce and the sour grass is blooming - signs that spring is coming! And several of the succulents have beautiful blooms too!

1 comment:

Lorette said...

That is quite ambitious. We’ve had a bit of sunshine here, so it’s tempting to think spring is here. I know better. Just about the time I decide that, it will start in again with the 40 days and 40 nights of rain.

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