Saturday, April 4, 2020

I'm Tired

Did not sleep well last night, wide awake way too early this morning.
Why? Who knows... once I am awake enough that my mind starts working, it is hard to turn it off again.

After a few days of lovely sunshine - and wicked winds - it is a dreary weekend with more rain forecast.

So dragging my butt around today, I have done 2 loads of laundry. And did my daily Doggie Doody hunt (always successful!). And now I am too restless just to sit and watch TV - and if I sit and read I know I will fall asleep. So I feel a little like the ball in a pinball machine....bouncing around and not getting much of anything accomplished.

Went out to the trailer yesterday to put the 2020 tags on it - before we lost them! And then we decided to take a drive to Carmel - through the town and along the beach. I have NEVER in my life seen so many empty parking spaces! LOL

And the beach was pretty empty too - mainly singles and couples walking their dogs, with a couple of family groups thrown into the mix. Carmel River Beach was very empty - with the parking lot closed off.

But so much construction going on. New Stay-At-Home orders came out this week with guidelines about no construction. Apparently no one policing it yet. I could understand one new house - it looked as though they were trying to get a roof on. But another one had maybe 6 or more guys walking up the driveway together to get to no, they were not 6' apart. And neither was a landscaping crew taking a break. Now, I get it, there really wasnt a lot of room to spread out around their truck - but they could have done a little better!

And here is the long suffering Ralph putting up with Bella who is not so subtly trying to push him off "her" couch!

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Hello?? Knock knock...Anyone Out There?

 Wow - I did not post ANYTHING for over a year?  But I have thought about it! And so much has happened! I came here to tell a funny little s...