Every December for more years than we can remember, we spend a weekend in San Francisco. To see the sights - do shopping - and jsut get away from it all. The past two years we have enjoyed the company of old and dear friends. This year it was just hubby and me again. And it was beautiful - even tho the rain and cold came in on Sunday - we didnt care, cause we were leaving that day!

See those 2 blocks up there? Becuase it was only two blocks from the Inn we were staying in - hubby decided we could walk. Not too bad an idea - UNLESS you are wearing the shoes in the first photo. Shoes I have worn 3 times before, but this time the heel decided to be too wide and my feet kept coming out of them - plus trying to walk up steep hills with it. I got sympathy from the women passing me.....BUT I MADE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And yes, we took a cab home even tho it was only 2 blocks cause there was NO WAY IN H^&$%^# I was going to try to walk down hill in those shoes - especially after 3 glasses of wine!!!!

The old Emporium on Market Street was turned into a shopping mall. But they kept the beautiful details including the dome....this does not do justice to the beautiful wreaths and hanging star streamers....

The old Emporium on Market Street was turned into a shopping mall. But they kept the beautiful details including the dome....this does not do justice to the beautiful wreaths and hanging star streamers....

Even if the calendar says we have another week to go! Oh dear, all my photos loaded backwards...oh well. Above is a phot I took at the beginning of the month. We went to several wineries that day for Holiday in the Vineyards - wine tasting, crafts, and all. I could take lots of photos of the trees that change here for those of you who do not think that CA has seasons....but I thought this was a lovely way to show the colors - and the winter sky!