Saturday, December 18, 2010


NYC at Christmas time is on my "Bucket List".
Would love to see the Thanksgiving Parade.....the tree at Rockerfeller Center.....lot of things but especially the Rockette's Christmas Show.
Guess what? They were touring the west coast this year - mentioned it to hubby but he didnt sound very excited plus we had already bought tickets to see Shrek: The Musical.
But he knew I wanted to see we went. And I really didnt have any idea what to expect. The show was fun. Would I see it again? Definitely in NYC! If they tour here next year? Probably not.
What amazed me were the people who came in late and were so rude about it....the woman sitting next to me (and by woman, I am saying she was in her 40's probably) who was texting the entire time - never once looked up at the show - and only put here phone away when the show was over and it was time to leave. Why bother to even attend???
So mcuh fun to see all the little grls dressed up in their Christmas dresses - coats - gloves, etc. So cute!

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