Saturday, April 18, 2020


I don't sew well enough, or enjoy sewing enough, to attempt to sew a mask.
Plus I gave away most of my material before we moved ….

So I have resisted jumping on the mask bandwagon.

Until someone posted a knitted mask today that she has been making for her son-in-law, a doctor.
And I, surprisingly, have time on my hands and a brand new skein of cotton yarn sitting right in front of me.

so why not? It does not take long at all. Very easy...the most difficult part was trying to determine how long to make the ear loops.

So I made one. And I am not thrilled. I went down a needle size, but the cotton did not make a dense enough fabric to make it useful, in my opinion. I must say, it is far more comfortable than the Home Depot type masks we have been using when we are out shopping! And I could see using this as a 2d layer over the procedure masks. Maybe a different type yarn would be better. Not sure I am going to experiment with that right now...but who knows? I might....

And yes, I am desperate for a haircut!

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Hello?? Knock knock...Anyone Out There?

 Wow - I did not post ANYTHING for over a year?  But I have thought about it! And so much has happened! I came here to tell a funny little s...