I have no idea how many weeks we have been on quarantine, but things are starting to open up. Which in many ways is nice - and in many ways, scary as all get out.
This months has been a very busy month. I swear, if my husband tells me he is "bored" this month, I might have to, I don't know what, cause bodily harm I guess!
1. The house has been repainted AND I AM THRILLED with how it looks!
2. Husband has:
1. repainted the lamp post, cleaned the glass inserts, replaced the lightbulb
2. repainted the sorry looking mailbox
3. dug out the other two plants that he hated so much
4. replaced the front door light (which of course ended up in not 1, not 2, but THREE trips to Home depot and a hardware store
5. replaced the 2 ancient and falling off lights on the patio
6. replaced the house numbers on the garage
We also got new gutters - we did not replace any because they were still good, but added to the 3 sides of the back of the house that badly needed them.
And tomorrow or Saturday we are having the horribly overgrown oak trees trimmed, and the 2 dead palm trees (dead because of the oak trees probably) removed.
He is working on getting a shed put into the back yard. His idea of the size he needs, and mine greatly differ. It feels like the shed he is looking at is going to be taller than the house! And since we have so much house paint left over, he will paint the shed to match the house.
We took a last minute trip to Gilroy to look at and discuss sheds. Missed out on an online class I really wanted to take. But most importantly - I did not have time to change clothes and boy it was warm in Gilroy! Only mid 80's but I was dressed for the foggy/sunny day here!
BEST NEWS EVER - I got to go to Barnes & Noble! I wanted to go to the needlework shop too but he didn't give me time or notice to plan for that
Our first squash - which is long gone! So tender and good. There are 4 more on the plant - lots of tomatoes - a couple of cucumbers - and I have already had to put a second layer of dirt over my potatoes. The carrots and lettuce were total failures, who knows why. The beans are growing, but slowly. And the artichoke is growing. We will hopefully get an artichoke or two from it next year!
So these are the new lights on the patio. We both really love them
The oaks (there are FOUR of them) will be trimmed - and you can barely see the palms that will be removed
The new house numbers are on the post area between the garage doors. And we also got a new screen door. But I love this serene color! So much better than the faded yellow, and peeling green trim!
I found a photo of our very first trailer - before the axle broke!
So now we have this empty space to fill right under the living room window. Hubby wants rose bushes - which I remind him will also need to be trimmed, and which will (hopefully) attract bees - which he hates!

My regrown celery is growing, and I have a 2d one planted. One avocado put out roots and looks like a stem is slowly making its way out. I have 2 more pits in water - 1 is starting to split, so I am hopeful for it!