I think I need to change the title of my blog to Catching Up With My Life!
A lot of catching up to do so this is going to be totally out of order unless I do some rearranging.
Just finished another MKAL - another gnome. Love Imagined Landscapes MKAL. She makes it so much fun and so easy. And Wednesday I start Summer Camp with The Loopy Ewe and with Colorado Cross Stitch!
And we went camping for a very very relaxing 3.5 days!
Can anyone guess where this church is?And where I might have taken the photo above?
Of course we went to Cover's Apple Ranch! Twice in fact! We went Tuesday and got our favorite cookies - and a Dutch Apple Pie - thye were out of their Mile High Pies. And I have to tell you, apple pie is no where near the top of my favorite pie list but theirs are SO GOOD! When we went back for lunch Wednesday they did have a Mile High Apple pie but we restrained ourselves from buying another pie - but we did get more cookies! Oh the reason I posted this is I was shocked to see Apple Beer at this place - I always thought this was run by a religious family.....They also had Apple Soda you could get with your meal but I chickened out!

And look, now it duplicated all the photos again and it is not letting me delete them. Sorry folks!
Stopped at Anderson's Pea Soup for lunch on the way home. I use to hate that place when I was a kid. Now I love it! And then over the Pacheco Pass......I burnt up the heavenly prayer lines on the trip home - not unusual on this Pass - because of the winds and one really big gust that scared me to pieces! I hate that pass.....One more trip this summer to go over it.....sigh....