So, this project for the fireplace and the shelves....will it ever be done? So the idea is to hang the TV over the fireplace. And I am getting a brand new mantel where I could actually sit things on my mantel.....but it is looking like, with the size of the TV and all, I will have this nice new wider, more useful mantel - but wont be able to put anything on it because the TV will be so low!
On my way home today - hey honey, I will be home earlier than I thought because I do not have to go back for the staff meeting....I get this ambiguous "oh ok, dont worry, everything is taken care of now and fixed".
Hubby cut the hole in the wall (which I am not happy with at all) to put the wood in to hold the mount that will hold the TV....and seems he cut thru some electrical wires that he did not know where there!
No electricution....no fire....but more money paid out to the awesome handyman who did such a great job on the tile - and whom hubby called to save his butt. Wonder if I will ever get to post completed photos of this project?

My bra for the walk. Boy, even without it being on, looks like saggy boobs! Knit the bra and it just didnt fit right. So sewed it onto the pink bra. So now it is supposed to be covered with pink ribbon charm except for the fact that I CAN'T FIND ANY!!!!!
Left it too late to order them becuase I thought there would be no problem finding them....Bought pink ribbon today to make pink ribbons to put on it....

This bell pepper is looking healthier. See the frame for the old garden there> Took it out to rototill and will put it back together along with another one!

Apparently our hot weather hasnt been consistent enough for the tomato plant to grow yet...

But we have a strawberry! I am sure not for long unless hubby listens to me and gets some type of netting over it to keep the squirrel from enjoying it!

One of my County Fair entries. A little girlie capelet - yes, it will be for Kaia after the Fair is over!

And here is my shawl. The variegated yarn does not show up well in the photo. Finally found 3 buttons for it - could find 1 or maybe 2 that I liked - finally found 3 by going to two different Joanne's Fabrics. I am not as happy with this as I thought I would be.
Now I am working on a vest for for Kaia - when she is a bit bigger. Not as happy with that as I thought I would be too....
And - the nose is fine - but my eyes are itching like crazy!!!!!!!