Tuesday, April 6, 2021


I was doing so well for a time there....now I have slipped back.

Probably because there really isnt a lot of "new" to talk about.

Less than 3 weeks until our trip. And I am still of two minds about it....I am sure it will be fine, especially with all the usual precautions we are taking. But still....

Plus I am worried about being away from Bella. I pray and hope that nothing worse happens with her while we are gone. Gone and so far from home.

The veggie beds are prepped. And ready to be planted. We were going to plant yesterday. But we were such piggies at lunch we just couldnt.....there was no way I was going to be able to bend over and plant things! So hopefully we will get the planting done tomorrow. At least the ground is getting a few more days of warmth!

Wasted a trip to Salinas. That Joann's button selection was about on par with the selection here at Michael's and Walmart. Which means pathetic. I did get a few things on clearance but nothing we went for.

Broke down and went to Hobby Lobby to look for front door decos. And I stupidly did buy a patriotic one and a spring one. But their prices were horrible. 

Gonna get my hair cut today!!!! YAY!!!! I guess trim might be a better word?? But it will be a major trim. I just hope I dont regret it....

Cleaning for the kids coming this Saturday. I want to know how a man who brags that he is better at cleaning than I am - can look straight at things and not see them???? Yes, I just finished scrubbing down the bathroom (gag). If a man uses the bathroom, he should be the one responsible for keeping it clean.

Gotta collect my cake recipes and make a shopping list. I am going to make the Cracker Barrel Carrot cake but also a Cracker Barrel Coca Cola chocolate cake!

We paid (I think an outrageous amount of money but my husband disagrees) for a person to come in and replace (well, I thought it was replace and to fix the plastic ground covering but apparently it was pretty much just re-cover) the bark on the front yard. And I must say it makes a HUGE difference. It looks like a brand new, newly landscaped yard! And we did nothing with the plants!

Now he is going to replace the broken concrete squares alongside the driveway. For some reason my husband cannot figure out how to fit 2 vehicles on our driveway without driving into either the side yard or the front yard. We have severely cut back plants in the front yard that is next to the driveway. And then husband had the young man who did some yard work for us dig out a section and put the concrete blocks along the side there. Well, he didnt really know what he was doing and with all the times husband drives over the blocks they are all broken. So those are going to be replaced by someone who supposedly knows what he is doing (and he better - his labor is outrageous - way overpriced, in my mind, to shovel and spread bark around the yard.)

I got some cute things at a garage sale last weekend. Husband found 2 folding chairs too.

I painted the birds on this one and plan to hang them on the front gate:

And then I found this guy - I call him The Monk

Eventually hubby wants to concrete in the side yard too. Maybe then he wont keep trying to park in the front yard?????

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