First let me say - the world apparently has not changed no matter how that minister interpreted his Bible. Now the Bible I know says that no man, not even angels, will know when the end of time comes - only God himself will.
I am glad there was nothign devastating today....but I am very tired of this weather. Cold one day, lovely the next, except for this dratted wind that is klling my allergies!
Had another brief visit from our Nevada grandkids which was wonderful. Took them to see the new Pirates movie and they were as well behaved as could be expected at their age.
Then today had to help daughter when, once again, the boys each had a ball game on different fields at the same time. It was Jack's last game - and only because they were making up a rained out game.

So, as is typical in society these days, each player recieved a "trophy" - just for showing up I guess.

And oldest - Connor - lost his two front teeth today! I dont remember them falling out at the same time! Very funny to hear him say the word "this" without those teeth!!

Okay, everyone say "ahhhhhhhh" cause Kaia loves her PaPa.....everytime we talk to her or see her - her first words always are "I miss you"!!!
But why could I scream??? I was so pleased with myself just a little while ago. Have 3 projects entered for the County Fair. One is done except for the buttons....the vest, well the back is done and I am about 1/4 of the way up the front....and I was so excited when I finished one of the pair of socks today. So excited - cause the other one is more than 1/2 way done so that means I am really on track. So then I pulled out the second one to work on and discovered....
Sob....this is so hard to say.....I KNIT THEM ON DIFFERENT SIZED NEEDLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So I need to finish this one sock and then totally re-knit the other one!!!
I might have only 2 projects in the Fair this year...