Hubby was sad that he wouldnt get to go to DL for their celebration.....until I reminded him that I had 2 weeks off and we were only going to Hawaii for one. So he shifted things around, used the last of our points for a room.....and flew off to SOCA on Monday and came back Thursday!
I have never seen the line at Oakland Airport for security....but we made it thru in time and still were able to buy something to gulp down for breakfast and then off we went!
Not going to go into each day detail - just hit some highlights. For instance - that strange stuff pouring down fromt he sky Tuesday morning! What is that? A fountain outside that we hadnt seen? No - it is RAIN! And it was a nice gully washer off and on but we were prepared with our ponchos and umbrella and carried on. Too bad Disneyland couldnt carry on too......early morning into the park and almost every major ride was closed due to the rain. A couple I dont even know if they even opened later.....very discouraging. But we still got a lot done.
That was our day to eat at the Carthay Circle in California Adventure for the first time. Lovely place. And the food was start with. They also have a lovely bar there that we didnt know about. Too bad the bartender wasnt a little more informative. Saw all the local beers listed on the menu....hubby asked about Corona and she replied they didnt have any Mexican beers - never told us what beers they did have. So he had a drink and I tried a pineapple hard cider.....even tho I know I am not a huge fan of pineapple. Well, it was cold and it was wet. That day it was 86% humidity outside and I needed cold and wet!
Started our lunch - late. Becuase they were running behind. We had the 3 course prix fixe lunch to get the show ticked for the Wonderful World of Color. No choice on salad dressing and the salad came out drowning in dressing which I dont like. SO hubby finished my salad. You would think with Boudin's bakery on the property the bread would be better. It was good but it wasnt Boudin's.
My salmon - BC salmon - was delicious - it literally melted in your mouth. Not sure what all the side dishes were but the veggies were good. Hubby had a chicken breast that was served with another salad (he got his greens that day!) and then decided he needed to share a bite of the chicken with me since I shared a bite of my salmon with him. I cut it, and took a bite and it was very good. Then I took another bite - and wait, what was that in my mouth????? A blonde/grey hair about 12" long......that was what it was. GAGGGGGGGGGGG!.
Wasnt my hair - wasnt hubby's hair - wasnt the waitress's hair. Looking into the kitchen I couldnt see anyone back there with hair like that. There was one woman plating food that it could have been.....but it was rolled up inside of the breast.
Oh it was disgusting. And that was it for the meal for us. I couldnt even eat the rest of my salmon even tho it was hairless!
Did manage toe at the desserts which were good - again, not great - but good. But we were done with the place.
The waitress was great about it. She said she would have the chef make another plate - hubby said no thank you - she brought it out anyway in a to go box. We explained that there was just no way we could eat that after our experience. So they comped that lunch - still gave us the two tickets - and then also a FastPass to any ride in the park. The only thing missing was - no manager came out to talk to us? To apologize?
The other thing that dismayed me is the lackadaisical attitude around the hot tub at the hotel. The sign clearly states no kids under 14 alone......yet at any given time there were more unsupervised kids in it than any other age group. And I am not talking teens or preteens - I am talking down to toddler age. Hot tubs are not the safest thing for kids - yet apparently parents do not think it important to watch them. There are no lifeguards at the hot tub - and they dont even bother/waste their time enforcing the rules. And to watch the kids - and some adults - treat it like a swimming pool - swimming in it - jumping in - going under water - and EATING in it total dismayed me.
Tuesday, March 29, 2016
Oh 2016 You are Being Very Trying
So hubby had his nerve conduction test - and the neurologist told him what we already knew - that he has bilteral carpal tunnel and he really needs to have the surgery. But things at work - his nice little part time job that he wanted to do as a volunteer but had to be staff - with people retiring and going on vacation so when he spoke to the surgeon they decided it was reasonable for him to wait until May to do it.
Now the decision is - both at the same time or not? The surgeon said with the endoscopic way he does it learning how to use his left hand for certain private things would be as difficult as coping with the two hands for a couple of days. It would mean only surgery and anesthesia one time - and a 30 minutes surgery instead of 2 - 15 minute surgeries. Have looked a lot online and even those who had it done the old fashioned way (with the incision in the palm of the hand instead of in the crease of the wrist) said that doing both hands was preferable because the recovery was over and done with instead of doing it twice. So we/he is still undecided.
Was napping today after working last night - had gotten up to use the bathroom - and then I heard him come home from work, as did the dogs. The next thing I know he is saying in a very definite voice "get up - it is time for you to get up" and all I could think was, I was just up to the bathroom, it isnt that late - when I heard him say the rest "I need you to drive me to the hospital".
I swear, our ER needs to give our green stamps, frequent flier miles, or something....
He was finishing up work and chatting with his boss and coworker - while he was coming down on the lift from the back of the delivery truck - was resting his hand on the truck and didnt notice where it was - remember, he has no/reduced feeling in 3 of his fingers on each hand - when the door of the truck decided to close on it. So......on his ring finger of his left hand (note - left - thank goodness!!!) he has a fracture on the "tuft" of the bone.
I had never heard this before so the MD showed me the Xray. It is right at the end of the finger. Clean break. Nothing to do about it. But he also got 7 stitches in that finger. Got his tetanus booster too - but I think the lidocaine was the worst - he has been a happy camper since he got that! Altho I think it is starting to wear off....
The finger next to it - the MD had to put a hole in the nail to drain the blood underneath or he said we would be back in the ER that night from pain. That nail was the most interesting shade of baby blue before he did that - now it has started to turn black and the MD said he would probably lose it. And it is still oozing blood but has slowed down considerably. He has some bruising on another finger.
But I tell you - ER nurses have the most fun toys!
See this tube like thing???? I am totally convinced a nurse came up with it! That is what put that lovely bandage on his finger! It was slid inside the stockinette - she put it over his finger and slid some stockinett off - twisted it - pushed it down over his finger - and kept repeating it until it made this most perfect bandage!
Now the decision is - both at the same time or not? The surgeon said with the endoscopic way he does it learning how to use his left hand for certain private things would be as difficult as coping with the two hands for a couple of days. It would mean only surgery and anesthesia one time - and a 30 minutes surgery instead of 2 - 15 minute surgeries. Have looked a lot online and even those who had it done the old fashioned way (with the incision in the palm of the hand instead of in the crease of the wrist) said that doing both hands was preferable because the recovery was over and done with instead of doing it twice. So we/he is still undecided.
Was napping today after working last night - had gotten up to use the bathroom - and then I heard him come home from work, as did the dogs. The next thing I know he is saying in a very definite voice "get up - it is time for you to get up" and all I could think was, I was just up to the bathroom, it isnt that late - when I heard him say the rest "I need you to drive me to the hospital".
I swear, our ER needs to give our green stamps, frequent flier miles, or something....
He was finishing up work and chatting with his boss and coworker - while he was coming down on the lift from the back of the delivery truck - was resting his hand on the truck and didnt notice where it was - remember, he has no/reduced feeling in 3 of his fingers on each hand - when the door of the truck decided to close on it. So......on his ring finger of his left hand (note - left - thank goodness!!!) he has a fracture on the "tuft" of the bone.
I had never heard this before so the MD showed me the Xray. It is right at the end of the finger. Clean break. Nothing to do about it. But he also got 7 stitches in that finger. Got his tetanus booster too - but I think the lidocaine was the worst - he has been a happy camper since he got that! Altho I think it is starting to wear off....
The finger next to it - the MD had to put a hole in the nail to drain the blood underneath or he said we would be back in the ER that night from pain. That nail was the most interesting shade of baby blue before he did that - now it has started to turn black and the MD said he would probably lose it. And it is still oozing blood but has slowed down considerably. He has some bruising on another finger.
But I tell you - ER nurses have the most fun toys!
See this tube like thing???? I am totally convinced a nurse came up with it! That is what put that lovely bandage on his finger! It was slid inside the stockinette - she put it over his finger and slid some stockinett off - twisted it - pushed it down over his finger - and kept repeating it until it made this most perfect bandage!
Sunday, March 20, 2016
7 Months?????
I complain if someone I follow doesnt post a blog every few days or so......and here it has been 7 months for me!
How do I catch up? I cant.....September found all of us (except for my son) in Hawaii. Oldest daughter and family started their trip on the BIg Island and then met up with us at Aulani on Oahu. Middle daughter and children went with us to Honolulu and then on to Aulani. We all had a wonderful time.....I think. Checked into Aulani Monday and by that night I was starting to feel sick. Some time of respiratory crap. About the most I did was Pearl harbor otherwise I stayed at the Resort and dragged myself to the beach and pool.....couldnt believe how walking OUT of the ocean could exhaust me so.....Finally enjoyed a cocktail or two the last few nights we were there. 7 months later and I am still asking for a do-over as I feel gypped. Neither hubby nor I even did out usual hike at Diamond Head....we were both so disappointed because we had been planning to enjoy that with the grands for so long!
Jump ahead to the end of the year. Our beloved neighbor and his wife were about to leave on a long planned trip to New Zealand and Samoa, which was including a family reunion for him. Just days before they were to leave, he died in his sleep. Devastating. He was the epitome of the best neighbor ever.
Two days after his services, we decided to get started on prepping the upstairs for painting and new carpeting. Hubby sent me out to the shed to look for something (cant even remember what now!). As I left the shed, I didnt notice my foot had gotten tangled in the loose strap of the Christmas tree bag (the one I yelled at him to fasten up when we were putting the tree away - which, for once, we waited until AFTER New Year's Day to take down).....I kept hustling out of the shed until my foot wouldnt hustle any more - and bang - fell right into the side of the garage shoulder first - ended up on my knees - and then finally sat down on the cold and wet concrete as I screamed out curses and tryied to catch my breath!
My poor dog didnt know whether to come check on me or to run away from me!
I finally managed - after several tried - to get up off the concrete and into the house. There are no windows on that side of the house and hubby was upstairs. Sat down and was still hyperventilating - as he came down the stairs yelling at my why I wasnt answering the phone! Poor guy - I could barely speak - but he did get ice and listen to me as I said yes I wanted to go to the ER but needed to pull myself together first.
Just like with my broken ankle back in 2009 I am the Queen of Denial. Was convinced even up through the Xrays that it was only a very painfully sprained muscle.....and of course when the MD told me it was broken I broke down crying again. Luckily it was a nice clean crack of the "greater tuberosity" and did not require surgery; unfortunately it was my right shoulder and I am right handed.
Even with a left handed son, I never totally appreciated how this world is set up for right handed people...
Anyway, lots of supplements (calcium and minerals) and very good care from my husband, and a wonderul physical therapist I returned to work jsut short of 10 weeks later (could have been a week earlier but had difficulty with the MD office getting back to me about my work release).
Am I glad to be back to work?? Well......I am glad to be well enough to BE back to work! But now that I was well enough, I was just starting to enjoy my time off!
39 months until retirement.....that is my mantra now.....39 months.
The best news? We have a new member of the family! For months (years?) my husband has been wanted a German Shepherd. We have looked but he never found one he wanted. Wanted a male. Then our daughter came to us about this beautiful dog that a friend of hers had but was needing/wanting to give up. If they couldnt find anyone, they would take her to a shelter. So we agreed to meet HER.......I know my husband immediately fell in love with we agreed to try for a week. Well, everyone knew by about day two she was part of the family. Took about 2 days for Ralphie to completely bond with her, but since then he and Bella have been inseperable. They are the same age, altho not the same size!!Still adjusting to a HUGE dog in the house again!
Here are some out of order photos.....
(The smile on her face is why I make these.....)
(2016 group of Teddies going to Ethiopia)
(middle daugher and all our grands on one of the last nights at Aulani)
My husband kept encouraging me to try knitting and I was able to do that. And some needlepoint. Took a finished shawl for Alice's Embrace ( to Stitches West and hand it over. I have 2 more on the needles. I plan to knit my way thru all their patterns. They are such a wonderful group.
I had just finished putting together all the teddy bears I had knit for my friend to take to Ethiopia for Doctor's Giving Back. Had hoped to have a few more for her to take but was glad I had those done.
In February the Second Semester of Sophomore Year at The Loopy Ewe Academy began. This time I decided to do 3 pairs of socks. The first pair were a whiz - knit - blocked - and have been worn quite a few times. The second pair I got 3/4 of the way thru one sock and realized there were too many mistakes and I need to frog it, so I started the 3d pair. And that one has been kicking my butt - too - have already ripped out the first one and am back to the leg of that one.
Also working on a baby blanket - the Pi blanket - and a beautiful shawl that I bought at Stitches West.
Beautiful last weekend of Winter/First day of Spring. Went to Monterey yesterday. Of course we had Red's Donuts! Then we switched out flowers at the cemetary only to discover some mysteries - missing Christmas flowers - new flowers on husband's grandfather's grave - and fresh flowers on his grandmothers. Then visited a friend and took him out to lunch. Oh yes, and there was a stop at a garage sale out in Pebble Beach. Picked up several items - all of which were $2 and $2 (gift for a friend, a Christmas angel, another gift for a friend, some lovely necklaces for myself and my grand daughter) but I handed back the straw bag that I wanted for a knitting project bag. It was nice but obviously used - some discoloration - and they wanted $20 for it! Unbelieveable! He did come all the way down to $10 but still.......
Today started out sunny but the clouds quickly came in and we recieved some more blessed rain. Because I worked Thursday night tonight we are having our corned beef and cabbage - and as much as I dont like corned beef, it is smelling pretty good!
Also got the bathroom scrubbed down - some planting done (clippings from our friend's house plus a new plant I bought today at OSH) - and the refrigerator cleaned out so there is room for the pierogies this weekend - since we dont have a second refrigerator to use this year!
How do I catch up? I cant.....September found all of us (except for my son) in Hawaii. Oldest daughter and family started their trip on the BIg Island and then met up with us at Aulani on Oahu. Middle daughter and children went with us to Honolulu and then on to Aulani. We all had a wonderful time.....I think. Checked into Aulani Monday and by that night I was starting to feel sick. Some time of respiratory crap. About the most I did was Pearl harbor otherwise I stayed at the Resort and dragged myself to the beach and pool.....couldnt believe how walking OUT of the ocean could exhaust me so.....Finally enjoyed a cocktail or two the last few nights we were there. 7 months later and I am still asking for a do-over as I feel gypped. Neither hubby nor I even did out usual hike at Diamond Head....we were both so disappointed because we had been planning to enjoy that with the grands for so long!
Jump ahead to the end of the year. Our beloved neighbor and his wife were about to leave on a long planned trip to New Zealand and Samoa, which was including a family reunion for him. Just days before they were to leave, he died in his sleep. Devastating. He was the epitome of the best neighbor ever.
Two days after his services, we decided to get started on prepping the upstairs for painting and new carpeting. Hubby sent me out to the shed to look for something (cant even remember what now!). As I left the shed, I didnt notice my foot had gotten tangled in the loose strap of the Christmas tree bag (the one I yelled at him to fasten up when we were putting the tree away - which, for once, we waited until AFTER New Year's Day to take down).....I kept hustling out of the shed until my foot wouldnt hustle any more - and bang - fell right into the side of the garage shoulder first - ended up on my knees - and then finally sat down on the cold and wet concrete as I screamed out curses and tryied to catch my breath!
My poor dog didnt know whether to come check on me or to run away from me!
I finally managed - after several tried - to get up off the concrete and into the house. There are no windows on that side of the house and hubby was upstairs. Sat down and was still hyperventilating - as he came down the stairs yelling at my why I wasnt answering the phone! Poor guy - I could barely speak - but he did get ice and listen to me as I said yes I wanted to go to the ER but needed to pull myself together first.
Just like with my broken ankle back in 2009 I am the Queen of Denial. Was convinced even up through the Xrays that it was only a very painfully sprained muscle.....and of course when the MD told me it was broken I broke down crying again. Luckily it was a nice clean crack of the "greater tuberosity" and did not require surgery; unfortunately it was my right shoulder and I am right handed.
Even with a left handed son, I never totally appreciated how this world is set up for right handed people...
Anyway, lots of supplements (calcium and minerals) and very good care from my husband, and a wonderul physical therapist I returned to work jsut short of 10 weeks later (could have been a week earlier but had difficulty with the MD office getting back to me about my work release).
Am I glad to be back to work?? Well......I am glad to be well enough to BE back to work! But now that I was well enough, I was just starting to enjoy my time off!
39 months until retirement.....that is my mantra now.....39 months.
The best news? We have a new member of the family! For months (years?) my husband has been wanted a German Shepherd. We have looked but he never found one he wanted. Wanted a male. Then our daughter came to us about this beautiful dog that a friend of hers had but was needing/wanting to give up. If they couldnt find anyone, they would take her to a shelter. So we agreed to meet HER.......I know my husband immediately fell in love with we agreed to try for a week. Well, everyone knew by about day two she was part of the family. Took about 2 days for Ralphie to completely bond with her, but since then he and Bella have been inseperable. They are the same age, altho not the same size!!Still adjusting to a HUGE dog in the house again!
Here are some out of order photos.....
(The smile on her face is why I make these.....)
(2016 group of Teddies going to Ethiopia)
(middle daugher and all our grands on one of the last nights at Aulani)
My husband kept encouraging me to try knitting and I was able to do that. And some needlepoint. Took a finished shawl for Alice's Embrace ( to Stitches West and hand it over. I have 2 more on the needles. I plan to knit my way thru all their patterns. They are such a wonderful group.
I had just finished putting together all the teddy bears I had knit for my friend to take to Ethiopia for Doctor's Giving Back. Had hoped to have a few more for her to take but was glad I had those done.
In February the Second Semester of Sophomore Year at The Loopy Ewe Academy began. This time I decided to do 3 pairs of socks. The first pair were a whiz - knit - blocked - and have been worn quite a few times. The second pair I got 3/4 of the way thru one sock and realized there were too many mistakes and I need to frog it, so I started the 3d pair. And that one has been kicking my butt - too - have already ripped out the first one and am back to the leg of that one.
Also working on a baby blanket - the Pi blanket - and a beautiful shawl that I bought at Stitches West.
Beautiful last weekend of Winter/First day of Spring. Went to Monterey yesterday. Of course we had Red's Donuts! Then we switched out flowers at the cemetary only to discover some mysteries - missing Christmas flowers - new flowers on husband's grandfather's grave - and fresh flowers on his grandmothers. Then visited a friend and took him out to lunch. Oh yes, and there was a stop at a garage sale out in Pebble Beach. Picked up several items - all of which were $2 and $2 (gift for a friend, a Christmas angel, another gift for a friend, some lovely necklaces for myself and my grand daughter) but I handed back the straw bag that I wanted for a knitting project bag. It was nice but obviously used - some discoloration - and they wanted $20 for it! Unbelieveable! He did come all the way down to $10 but still.......
Today started out sunny but the clouds quickly came in and we recieved some more blessed rain. Because I worked Thursday night tonight we are having our corned beef and cabbage - and as much as I dont like corned beef, it is smelling pretty good!
Also got the bathroom scrubbed down - some planting done (clippings from our friend's house plus a new plant I bought today at OSH) - and the refrigerator cleaned out so there is room for the pierogies this weekend - since we dont have a second refrigerator to use this year!
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Hello?? Knock knock...Anyone Out There?
Wow - I did not post ANYTHING for over a year? But I have thought about it! And so much has happened! I came here to tell a funny little s...

This is what happens when you forget how quicckly squash grows! September is harvest time in the valley. Look at the pretty fall colors! Th...
Wow - I did not post ANYTHING for over a year? But I have thought about it! And so much has happened! I came here to tell a funny little s...
RIP Jack 12/2011 Rip Althea, 5/2012 Hubby is laughing at me, but I just cant do it any mo...