The summer after we moved back to CA hubby found out that I had never been to Yosemite. This from the person who is old enough, and lucky enough, to have seen the Fire Falls there. So we found this offer to stay at a campground outside of Yosemite free as long as listened to their sales pitch. Which we fell for. And enjoyed altho the partners who made up the sales team of this time share had their differences, and what started out fantastic ended up not. But we belonged and we joined at a time when the down money was put into a bond so that after 15 years you could decide to stay members, and the would get the money - or not, and you would get the money. Needless to say we went to Bass Lake many a time over the years.
And when it came time to make the decision - it was easily made since all the reasons we bought into it were long gone.
But we still love the area. Instead of going up several times a year we usually only make it up there once - over Memorial Day weekend.
And now we stay at this lovely place:
http://www.narrogaugeinn.com/. And we love it. The rooms are nice - the setting is lovely - the restuarant is fantastic - and it is equidistant from Yosemite and Oakhurst. (Altho we usually dont go into Yosemite over a weekend holiday).
So we went up Friday. Got up there noonish - hubby played golf and I wandered thru the thrift stores. Came up pretty empty handed until I ran across a new place which is actually more of an antique cum gift shop.
Picked up hubby and went to NGI to check in. They were very full this weekend and this was the first time we had trouble getting reservation. So the first 2 nights were in one room - a lovely, quiet, queen, on the 2d level. Then Sunday we were moving upstairs to a lovely king, with no stairs to climb. Stay tuned....you will find out the importance of this...
Went to Chukchansi Casino - ate at the buffet and while hubby went to the slots, I found a lovely place to sit and read. Wandered out at one point, saw hubby, told him to enjoy, that I would be back in my spot (and I showed him where it was - VIP [Very Important Point]). I thought it was odd when the lovely sunset came and went, and no hubby. He finally showed up and was beside himself! Turns out he had come part way down the hall and didnt see me (when I went back there, others were there and I had to take a different seat). So he started looking for me - stalking outside the ladies room - went out to the truck to see if I was there - looked thru all the outdoor seating, etc. Guess he had me over head paged a few times, but there were no speakers were I was. He was about to give in and contact authorities when he finally did the sensible thing - came all the way into the area to look - and there I was! In the chair reading - hadnt budged all that time!! But it really shook him up!
Saturday was garage sale day and Peddler's Fair in Coarsegold. Slim pickings altho we did find out about 2 great hikes we decided to do on Sunday. Went and saw Angels and Demons (luckily I read the book long enough ago that I could not nit pick it) and had a lite dinner at Ducey's on Bass Lake. Boy the water level is way down....not sure if that is the reason, or the economy, but it was definitely not as crowded as usual.
Went back to the motel and had a couple of drinks at the bar. I even had a taste of a martini!!! I usually detest martini's but this was a pear martini and pretty tasty! Planned to have one before dinner SUnday night....ha ha ha
Hubby was ahead of me and he grabbed onto a bush. When he let go it bounced back at me. I went to grab the bush so it didnt hit me, but also to hold onto it. At that point both of my feet slide out from under me - to the right - and into one of those little gulleys that rain leaves behind. And I landed with my feet under me and stuck in rocks, leaning back onto my backpack (this is where my husband describes me as an upside down turtle, which I dont remember at all). He also said I started yelling - I remember cussing! All I felt was severe pain in my left ankle. No pop, no crack, jsut severe pain. And what was the first thing I did after dumping the backpack and getting my foot out from under me??? Handed hubby my camera and told him to check it and make sure it wasnt broken!! That was so dumb - cause he doesnt know how to work my camera!
He eventually helped me up (was able to get me to stop cussing and crying and whining) and we hobbled down another 20 or so feet to a flat area (which he later told me was right above the falls I heard but never saw). And I could barely walk. So he tore off a huge branch - and between that and his hand, I somehow made it back up to the truck. Not sure how long it took - long enough to get bitten to death by bugs - but it was very slow going. I could only take 1 - 2 steps before I had to stop. And we passed a lot of people going down - thank goodness none of them were there when I fell!
Headed into town and stopped at the first drugstore to get cold packs. When I finally took my shoe off - wow, was it swollen! I think we both knew it was broken but didnt want to admit to it. He kept talking about going to the Urgent Care but I didnt want to admit I needed that.....until finally he said to me "And what would you advise someone to do if they were in your place right now?".
In all the years we have been going there, we have never once visited the Urgent Care. It is a very nice place, staffed with very nice people. Again, I walked in ....but after they took the Xray and the tech told me to not place any weight on that leg....then I knew for sure it was broken. Yup. 2 spiral fractures of my left tibia.
And every time I told the story of fallink hiking, I intercepted this look at my Croc sandals! And every time I told them I wasnt wearing them to hike in - they were what I put on after I got my shoes off! But I still had to admit my sneakers were not the best ones to hike in....about a month or two ago hubby and I talked about going to get hiking shoes but never did. Wonder if they would have saved my ankle? Guess we will never know...
I was gifted with this lovely black walking boot to help protect my ankle (which hurts like the dickens when my foot swells up) and a pair of shiny new crutches....and an excuse from work for the next month and 1/2. Which also means canceling our vacation plans....hmmm, walking around Hearst Castle??? Taking the dog on walks on the beach?? Yeah...no.
So looks like I am holed up in the house for the next 6 weeks cause CRUTCHES SUCK BIGTIME!!! And why would you give them to someone who is already a proven klutz!!!!!!!!!
We did drive out that afternoon to see where we would have gone for the 2d hike. Beautiful area:
Now the best part was - while we were gone they moved us from the one room, which would have require going down stairs - and trying to sleep in a queen bed with this broken ankle with hubby when we are use to the spaciousness of a king bed ....to the upstairs room which meant: 1. no stairs 2. just a few doors down from the restuarant and 3. a king bed!!!!
Did hobble over and had our excellant dinner but I made sure I only had one glass of wine....didnt want to have to make a fool of myself and crawl back to the room! And I had planned to try a full pear martini that night....
Lots noisier next door neighbors tho - and it was so hard to sleep! Wide awake at about 0500. So we left a bit earlier than we had planned. Got home in time for hubby, daughter and family to go out and look at the planes at the airport (WWII type planes) and then they are taking the boys to play miniature golf. Needless to say, I am homewriting on my blog and erasing junk emails!
And loving my new best friends - tylenol and ice!