So we are working hard at getting the house ready to go on the market next spring.
Had a realtor out this week to give us some advice. Most of it was what I expected but there were some surprises.
1. First of all he agreed the estimate from Home Depot for doing so little to update our kitchen was outrageous
2. Poor hubby. I made a bad choice and he is still reeling from it. I said the easiest thing to do was just repaint the bedrooms and bathroom upstairs the same color. No priming involved. Wrong. Realtor said all the colors are out (but I beg to differ - the one bedroom and bathroom are NOT pink) so now we will pay someone to repaint since the carpet is down.
3. And he called my beloved lampshades in the ceiling of the upstairs hall and downstairs "outdated". Ok so they looked better with the color we are painting over, but they are not outdates!
4. What really surprised me was he said to get rid of the silver switchplate covers we put in upstairs and replace with white plastic ones. WHAT???? We chose brushed silver to go with all the hardware on the new doors. So we went to Home Depot and paid less than a dollar to replace the brushed silver ones which were, at the very least, over $5 each!! So they will go to the Seaside house with us.....
It is getting more and more real and more and more terrifying!
So much work to do in the remaining few months! But most of it we are hiring out.
And found out in April I need to start filling out the paperwork to get my measly retirement from 2 previous places of employment to start in July,
Saturday, December 1, 2018
Monday, August 13, 2018
Goodbye Summer
Yes, I know summer isn't over until mid September.
But this past weekend was the County Swim Meet and now all the grandkids go back to school this it FEELS like summer is over!
Our little guy did so good - we are so proud of him!
He swam 2 individual events - breast stroke and butterfly. Came in 5th place in the breast stroke - and to me this is fabulous because at the County, in the 9 - 10 age group, there were more 10 year olds than 9 year olds!
And in the butterfly he made consolation flight - and came in 4th place!
Then their team - with one boy missing from the usual team - was never expected to make the finals in the Medley Relay - and they made 10th place! And the free relay they came in 9th. By that final race of the weekend, you could tell they were DONE!
And daughter told us that at the Junior Olympics for Waterpolo - his 9 - 10 team placed 2d in Northern California and 14th in the Nation!
So proud of him!
And this past week grandson #3 turned we now had THREE teenagers in the group. Oh my. Don't they know they are supposed to stay my grandBABIES and not grow up so quickly??!!!??
More weeding has been going on. Gotta get the pod cleaned out so we can get it out of our driveway. Have sold a few things online - got more added to the garage sale boxes.....but there are still more things that I just don't know where to put them.
I have found several partly finished projects - 1 is ready to go and be framed; finished stitching another and not have to decide on how I want to finish it - and the 3d I have to move my magnifying lamp back so that I can finish the last row of teensy tiny stitching and then it will be ready for framing. Several canvaswork projects need finishing if and when I can find the directions. A couple have the stitching completed just not just how to finish them off....
But this past weekend was the County Swim Meet and now all the grandkids go back to school this it FEELS like summer is over!
Our little guy did so good - we are so proud of him!
He swam 2 individual events - breast stroke and butterfly. Came in 5th place in the breast stroke - and to me this is fabulous because at the County, in the 9 - 10 age group, there were more 10 year olds than 9 year olds!
And in the butterfly he made consolation flight - and came in 4th place!
Then their team - with one boy missing from the usual team - was never expected to make the finals in the Medley Relay - and they made 10th place! And the free relay they came in 9th. By that final race of the weekend, you could tell they were DONE!
And daughter told us that at the Junior Olympics for Waterpolo - his 9 - 10 team placed 2d in Northern California and 14th in the Nation!
So proud of him!
And this past week grandson #3 turned we now had THREE teenagers in the group. Oh my. Don't they know they are supposed to stay my grandBABIES and not grow up so quickly??!!!??
More weeding has been going on. Gotta get the pod cleaned out so we can get it out of our driveway. Have sold a few things online - got more added to the garage sale boxes.....but there are still more things that I just don't know where to put them.
I have found several partly finished projects - 1 is ready to go and be framed; finished stitching another and not have to decide on how I want to finish it - and the 3d I have to move my magnifying lamp back so that I can finish the last row of teensy tiny stitching and then it will be ready for framing. Several canvaswork projects need finishing if and when I can find the directions. A couple have the stitching completed just not just how to finish them off....
Friday, July 13, 2018
Well, it has had it's hot days and it's cool days and it's warm days. But we are only in the beginning of July....I keep promising Bella that this will be the last summer she suffers in the heat....but I dont think she believes me from the way she just keeps panting and glaring at me!
Big birthday last month - BIG BIRTHDAY! Who, as a kid and young adult, ever looks past 40 as an age YOU will get?? Only your parents and your friends! It hurt to get my Medicare card in the did. But it was overshadowed with the fact that next year I will be a retired lady!!! It is so sad seeing friends retire before me....some of them at a wayyyyyy younger age.....and know that I made some pretty dumbass decisions as to where my life was going to lead me over the years. I may regret the long term effects of it but there have been some mighty fine days, and people, mixed among the rest.
Spent the week of my birthday in Disneyland. Supposed to go with some old friends, but because of a family tragedy they had, it was only hubby and me. And surprisingly it wasnt as crowded as I expected - secondly GET THE MAX PASS FRIENDS! As much as I HATE Disney nickel and diming you to death, this was the best money we spent!!! (
And the weather was glorious - ranged from 77 - 83 the whole 4 days we were there. A blessing - cause starting the next week it was outrageous - like 111 - 117!!!
First evening we ate at the Blue Bayou - a favorite - but kinda disappointing. The menu choices were not that exciting. And my birthday "treat" was this Mickey shaped blob of chocolate that not even my husband could eat much of. Surprisingly - everywhere else offered a free birthday dessert of my choosing....but not them.
The second evening was at Cathey Circle and oh my was it good! The place is lovely - the service is wonderful -- and the food was fantastic! And I stupidly chose not to accept a dessert cause #1 I was so full and #2 we planned on going to Ghiradelli afterwards!
The third night was at the Napa Rose - and we met up with some friends who deserted Northern California for Southern California (ok ok, it was a job change but still....). And that was so much fun. The place is lovely - the service wonderful - Mickey was our waiter and he was funny, and attentive without being over attentive. The food was very good......but dinner the night before was better. The bread they served was out of this world! But I was disappointed with the fact that my chicken (which was tender and delicious) came with maybe a tablespoon of finely diced mixed veggies - and 3 gnocchi. Gnocchi that were no where as good as the gnocchi I had the night before. And the dessert I chose for all of us to share wasnt very good either - that had to be displayed by the fact it was a small dessert, shared by 4 people, and we left almost 1/2 of it there. But the company more than made up for any complaints!!!
Let's see - one day I actually rode 3 THREE roller coasters! Matterhorn - Thunder Mountain - and Splash Mountain! Unbelievable!
Even more unbelievable was that I rode the new Guardians of the Galaxy - what the heck - I survived Tower of Terror, right?? NEVER EVER AGAIN! First time in a long time that I almost - very nearly - threw up on a ride! Got off the ride and had to sit for awhile willing the food to stay INSIDE my stomach and not outside......
4th of July we went to the Fair. The weather was lovely. And it wasnt as crowded as we thought it was going to be. Guess everyone else thot why spend full price on a half day? They were closing the parking lots at 2:30 PM and the gates at 3 PM because the Fair itself was closing at 6 PM/ Now we didnt care cause we had our prizes (free tickets!!) for entering items in the fair - and I got a great coupon for the parking too.
And they have sky carts there now!!! They go from one side of the fairgrounds to the other - $5/person for unlimited rides! So we rode it several times - great views of the fair but also the surrounding hills from up there!
(Doesnt anyone use Spell Check???)
Hubby and I each entered 2 succulents.....and we got Honorable Mention on each of them! LOL
Wait - what? You only see 3 photos? Oh cute little miniature brown teapot....the one I do NOT have a photo of? Was stolen! Supposedly they had 3 stolen this year.....and one bunny! But the bunny was found and returned to the owner....
And I was 0/3 for my entries this year. Oh well....the free ticket to get in is the best prize every year!
This cowl did not turn out as I expected at all....rather ugly in fact. But I love the yarn so I think this cowl will magically become a pair of socks!!! (eventually)
Came home and tried a new remedy for the dogs which seemed to work very well thank you to a friend! A friend had given hubby some CBD oil to try on his knee. He said it didnt work - and he hates the smell. So we gave the dogs treats with a drop of oil on each one. NO SHAKING! NO WHINING! NO CLIMBING (both of them) UP INTO MY LAP! They were awake - and startled by the really loud bangs - but we were all able to enjoy the evening better and actually sleep that night! And also, thank you to the neighbors who stopped their celebration well before midnight....
This week we get the carpeting installed upstairs. We will see how much we like it - or hate it - but it doesnt really matter since it is not for us.
And in a couple of weeks we are going camping for 3 nights. Leaving the dogs home with a dog sitter....we will see how that goes....but it is going to be way too hot up there for them since most places discriminate against dogs in swimming pools......
Big birthday last month - BIG BIRTHDAY! Who, as a kid and young adult, ever looks past 40 as an age YOU will get?? Only your parents and your friends! It hurt to get my Medicare card in the did. But it was overshadowed with the fact that next year I will be a retired lady!!! It is so sad seeing friends retire before me....some of them at a wayyyyyy younger age.....and know that I made some pretty dumbass decisions as to where my life was going to lead me over the years. I may regret the long term effects of it but there have been some mighty fine days, and people, mixed among the rest.
Spent the week of my birthday in Disneyland. Supposed to go with some old friends, but because of a family tragedy they had, it was only hubby and me. And surprisingly it wasnt as crowded as I expected - secondly GET THE MAX PASS FRIENDS! As much as I HATE Disney nickel and diming you to death, this was the best money we spent!!! (
And the weather was glorious - ranged from 77 - 83 the whole 4 days we were there. A blessing - cause starting the next week it was outrageous - like 111 - 117!!!
First evening we ate at the Blue Bayou - a favorite - but kinda disappointing. The menu choices were not that exciting. And my birthday "treat" was this Mickey shaped blob of chocolate that not even my husband could eat much of. Surprisingly - everywhere else offered a free birthday dessert of my choosing....but not them.
The second evening was at Cathey Circle and oh my was it good! The place is lovely - the service is wonderful -- and the food was fantastic! And I stupidly chose not to accept a dessert cause #1 I was so full and #2 we planned on going to Ghiradelli afterwards!
The third night was at the Napa Rose - and we met up with some friends who deserted Northern California for Southern California (ok ok, it was a job change but still....). And that was so much fun. The place is lovely - the service wonderful - Mickey was our waiter and he was funny, and attentive without being over attentive. The food was very good......but dinner the night before was better. The bread they served was out of this world! But I was disappointed with the fact that my chicken (which was tender and delicious) came with maybe a tablespoon of finely diced mixed veggies - and 3 gnocchi. Gnocchi that were no where as good as the gnocchi I had the night before. And the dessert I chose for all of us to share wasnt very good either - that had to be displayed by the fact it was a small dessert, shared by 4 people, and we left almost 1/2 of it there. But the company more than made up for any complaints!!!
Let's see - one day I actually rode 3 THREE roller coasters! Matterhorn - Thunder Mountain - and Splash Mountain! Unbelievable!
Even more unbelievable was that I rode the new Guardians of the Galaxy - what the heck - I survived Tower of Terror, right?? NEVER EVER AGAIN! First time in a long time that I almost - very nearly - threw up on a ride! Got off the ride and had to sit for awhile willing the food to stay INSIDE my stomach and not outside......
4th of July we went to the Fair. The weather was lovely. And it wasnt as crowded as we thought it was going to be. Guess everyone else thot why spend full price on a half day? They were closing the parking lots at 2:30 PM and the gates at 3 PM because the Fair itself was closing at 6 PM/ Now we didnt care cause we had our prizes (free tickets!!) for entering items in the fair - and I got a great coupon for the parking too.
And they have sky carts there now!!! They go from one side of the fairgrounds to the other - $5/person for unlimited rides! So we rode it several times - great views of the fair but also the surrounding hills from up there!
(Doesnt anyone use Spell Check???)
Hubby and I each entered 2 succulents.....and we got Honorable Mention on each of them! LOL
Wait - what? You only see 3 photos? Oh cute little miniature brown teapot....the one I do NOT have a photo of? Was stolen! Supposedly they had 3 stolen this year.....and one bunny! But the bunny was found and returned to the owner....
And I was 0/3 for my entries this year. Oh well....the free ticket to get in is the best prize every year!
This cowl did not turn out as I expected at all....rather ugly in fact. But I love the yarn so I think this cowl will magically become a pair of socks!!! (eventually)
Came home and tried a new remedy for the dogs which seemed to work very well thank you to a friend! A friend had given hubby some CBD oil to try on his knee. He said it didnt work - and he hates the smell. So we gave the dogs treats with a drop of oil on each one. NO SHAKING! NO WHINING! NO CLIMBING (both of them) UP INTO MY LAP! They were awake - and startled by the really loud bangs - but we were all able to enjoy the evening better and actually sleep that night! And also, thank you to the neighbors who stopped their celebration well before midnight....
This week we get the carpeting installed upstairs. We will see how much we like it - or hate it - but it doesnt really matter since it is not for us.
And in a couple of weeks we are going camping for 3 nights. Leaving the dogs home with a dog sitter....we will see how that goes....but it is going to be way too hot up there for them since most places discriminate against dogs in swimming pools......
Thursday, June 21, 2018
I find myself looking around and saying yup, I am going to miss that when we move.....or nope, definitely not going to miss that.
A year away and I am already doing that?
Maybe because someone at work has decided to beat me at the retirement game. We had talked about it not so long ago and she was thinking maybe just maybe next year but more likely the year after. Instead - this coming week! How dare she beat me! LOL
A year away and I am already doing that?
Maybe because someone at work has decided to beat me at the retirement game. We had talked about it not so long ago and she was thinking maybe just maybe next year but more likely the year after. Instead - this coming week! How dare she beat me! LOL
- My rose bushes.....I will miss those... but I can plant more
- My lavender plants....I will miss those....but I can plant more
- My lemon tree - I will really miss that - but I can plant another, and the same with our orange tree that looks like it will have a banner year this year
- My lilac - oh how I will miss that - and how I hope I can plant another.
- My green tile kitchen - I will miss that - but dont think I will be able to replicate that
- Our built in shelving which was built by our neighbor - to our ideas - out of maple wood - oh my goodness am I going to miss that - and since he is long gone, it definitely will not be able to be replicated
- I will miss how pretty this town can be cause the town we are moving to is not pretty at all
- The horrible horrible spring allergies - I hope I am not going to miss those!
- The traffic? Well, there is lots and lots of traffic down there too - but .....
Tuesday, June 19, 2018
Oh My, I Am Doing It Again
So I "re-found" my blog after neglecting it for so long - with the idea that I would keep up with it more.....ha!
Yes - I have excuses. Work actually got busy for awhile. We have been hard at work on the house - in fact, they are coming this week to measure for the carpeting upstairs. Once that is in, then hubby can finish the stairs and the upstairs will be DONE.
I have to give credit, where credit is due. We are old. Going up and down the stairs is something we, and our knees dont like doing. We rented one of those pod things and put it on the driveway to clear out the upstairs for the carpeting (at this point all they will have to do is move around 2 beds - which are taken apart - one filing cabinet - and 1 chair AND I have been separating things for another garage sale and even selling some things on an online garage sale).
So husband came up with a genius idea to make a slide on the stairs which meant we cleared things out pretty quickly!
But somehow I dont think going UP is going to be as quick and fun as going DOWN!
What other excuses - we did a garage sale on the Saturday of Memorial Day Weekend. Rock bottom prices and got rid of a lot of stuff from the storage unit. It was going to be our only completely free Saturday of the summer so we gave up our plans for camping that weekend.
Have been back and forth to the vet with Bella. First it was twice/week laser treatments for her lick granuloma - which she is leaving alone much better! Then an infected, possibly foxtail, between two toes on one paw. 10 days of stinky stinky antibiotics - TWICE/day - and she caught on to every trick we tried (which means she doesnt really trust us any more when we hand her food!!). And it went away. Then it came back. Now we are on different antibiotics - thank goodness only once/day and they do not smell!!!).
I went for a very long postponed physical and mammogram. All is well. Finally got the courage to ask about my ugly toenail. And so I am on antifungals for 3 - 4 months - which means I am really watching my NSAID intake and no alcohol. First couple days after I started them - we had a brutal cleaning out day - went out for Mexican food and I was 3/4 thru my margarita when I remembered I am not supposed to be drinking!).
Summer swim has started - and the little amazing machine is doing great. He made county times in 2 individual and 1 team event at his first meet of the year! The one that he really wants is still eluding him. Middle grand is doing well on decreasing their times. And the oldest one still shows up - poo pooing the idea that he is there to do anything but "lose" (his words, not mine). But once he hits the water he gives it his all! And boy, that boy has the body of a swimmer!
Sad news - the brother of dear friends died. He was taking his mom to the hospital in the wee hours of the morning - apparently had a heart attack while driving - ended up hitting a tree. Still not clear if he died before or after he hit the tree. The mom broke a vertebrae but is home. Very frustrated with how she is doing tho - she was a very active person and now isnt, obviously.
And then my middle daughter - the father of her SO died. Not totally unexpected but poor thing, she was out of state for work when this happened and I know it broke her heart not to be home for her kids when they were going through this.
Today is my dad's birthday. He has been gone 21 years - so unbelievable. Happy birthday Daddy.
Which means that this time next week is my birthday. Yes, I am a card carrying member of the Medicare tribe. How did that come to be?? Time goes by too quickly. We will be spending part of the week in Disneyland. Were supposed to go with the friends mentioned above - but obviously they cannot go since they are providing the care for his mother. Not my favorite time of the year to go to DL. Crowds. Heat. Crowds. But you know, it is not like we have never been there before, so we will just take it easy and see and do what we can. Oh, and 65 years ago there was a full moon on my birthday so have to share this:
Isnt that a stunning photo?
I know there has been more to talk about.
We got to - well, we are not allowed to say BABYSIT - stay with the boys on Father's Day while both parents had to work. We had a good time. Hubby BBQ some ribs, I baked some desserts, the boys entertained themselves with video games, and the pool for awhile (which is when we got this photo of hubby enjoying his day - or as he says, resting his eyes while watching golf):
I think I am pretty well caught up now!
Yes - I have excuses. Work actually got busy for awhile. We have been hard at work on the house - in fact, they are coming this week to measure for the carpeting upstairs. Once that is in, then hubby can finish the stairs and the upstairs will be DONE.
I have to give credit, where credit is due. We are old. Going up and down the stairs is something we, and our knees dont like doing. We rented one of those pod things and put it on the driveway to clear out the upstairs for the carpeting (at this point all they will have to do is move around 2 beds - which are taken apart - one filing cabinet - and 1 chair AND I have been separating things for another garage sale and even selling some things on an online garage sale).
So husband came up with a genius idea to make a slide on the stairs which meant we cleared things out pretty quickly!
But somehow I dont think going UP is going to be as quick and fun as going DOWN!
What other excuses - we did a garage sale on the Saturday of Memorial Day Weekend. Rock bottom prices and got rid of a lot of stuff from the storage unit. It was going to be our only completely free Saturday of the summer so we gave up our plans for camping that weekend.
Have been back and forth to the vet with Bella. First it was twice/week laser treatments for her lick granuloma - which she is leaving alone much better! Then an infected, possibly foxtail, between two toes on one paw. 10 days of stinky stinky antibiotics - TWICE/day - and she caught on to every trick we tried (which means she doesnt really trust us any more when we hand her food!!). And it went away. Then it came back. Now we are on different antibiotics - thank goodness only once/day and they do not smell!!!).
I went for a very long postponed physical and mammogram. All is well. Finally got the courage to ask about my ugly toenail. And so I am on antifungals for 3 - 4 months - which means I am really watching my NSAID intake and no alcohol. First couple days after I started them - we had a brutal cleaning out day - went out for Mexican food and I was 3/4 thru my margarita when I remembered I am not supposed to be drinking!).
Summer swim has started - and the little amazing machine is doing great. He made county times in 2 individual and 1 team event at his first meet of the year! The one that he really wants is still eluding him. Middle grand is doing well on decreasing their times. And the oldest one still shows up - poo pooing the idea that he is there to do anything but "lose" (his words, not mine). But once he hits the water he gives it his all! And boy, that boy has the body of a swimmer!
Sad news - the brother of dear friends died. He was taking his mom to the hospital in the wee hours of the morning - apparently had a heart attack while driving - ended up hitting a tree. Still not clear if he died before or after he hit the tree. The mom broke a vertebrae but is home. Very frustrated with how she is doing tho - she was a very active person and now isnt, obviously.
And then my middle daughter - the father of her SO died. Not totally unexpected but poor thing, she was out of state for work when this happened and I know it broke her heart not to be home for her kids when they were going through this.
Today is my dad's birthday. He has been gone 21 years - so unbelievable. Happy birthday Daddy.
Which means that this time next week is my birthday. Yes, I am a card carrying member of the Medicare tribe. How did that come to be?? Time goes by too quickly. We will be spending part of the week in Disneyland. Were supposed to go with the friends mentioned above - but obviously they cannot go since they are providing the care for his mother. Not my favorite time of the year to go to DL. Crowds. Heat. Crowds. But you know, it is not like we have never been there before, so we will just take it easy and see and do what we can. Oh, and 65 years ago there was a full moon on my birthday so have to share this:
Isnt that a stunning photo?
I know there has been more to talk about.
We got to - well, we are not allowed to say BABYSIT - stay with the boys on Father's Day while both parents had to work. We had a good time. Hubby BBQ some ribs, I baked some desserts, the boys entertained themselves with video games, and the pool for awhile (which is when we got this photo of hubby enjoying his day - or as he says, resting his eyes while watching golf):
I think I am pretty well caught up now!
Saturday, May 12, 2018
Happy Nurse's Day - Oops, Excuse Me, I Meant Hospital Week
Yes once upon a time children nurse's had one day a year when they were celebrated. Kinda like Mothers and Fathers do. And it was nice.
In fact the nicest Nurse's Day I ever had was the very first year I was a nurse.....the DON (Director of Nursing for those of you who dont know) came around our medium sized community hospital, and pinned a corsage on each nurse (ermagawd, dont report that to Infection Control!!!).....the very best things is - she knew the names of all of her nurses so she always had something special and personal to say to each person.
And then different hospitals started celebrating in different ways. Special meals for the nurses, special gifts. Another hospital actually had a nice little breakfast for the nurses - all the serving done by management - with a nice little talk about Florence Nightengale. Now dont get me wrong, Flo was a wonderful old gal but when you have just worked your what-ever-in-a-row nightshift, and sitting down to eat a carb heavy meal waiting for the prizes, the gifts, the raffles whatever, well, nightshift could get a little punchy.....yup we got ourselves in trouble one year when we all got the giggles and just could not stop....
But lets go thru the years when apparently someone got their tiny little knickers in a twist because ONLY nurses were getting recognition so it morphed into Nurses Day and Hospital Week so that ALL the employees could be involved with the meals and special gifts.....wah wah wah.
And so now the gifts are more generic, and cheaper. Lunch bags that rip within a week or year we got a nice backpack but they didnt stand up to much....a messenger bag that was a bit more sturdy.....a beach towel that was so thin it did not make its way thru the first wash without starting to disintegrate. We did get a nice backed picnic blanket and an especially nice trunk organizer that I am still using. But this year.....well, this year was the piece de resistance.
An 8" x 5.75" bamboo (Made in CHina of course) cutting board. Oh I guess I could put it in my Nurse's Day lunch bag......nope, that bit the dust within weeks after getting it......and why would I take it to work anyway? I would be assuming I would actually get a long enough lunch to have time to cut cheese up....well, maybe I could because at the size this is there wouldnt be much cheese to cut up.
Well, just something else that will set around and then end up at Goodwill like all those Made in China water bottles. I try very hard not to buy anything Made in CHina that is going to come in contact with food or drink you see.
So present a problem or complaint, no present a solution. How about all year long we are recognized - hey good job everyone - it was a hell of a shift but you pulled together and we all survived! Or - hey, I see you are really busy, what can I do to help you? Coupons for coffee or ice cream or bagels or a movie (guess that would mean we have a life outside work tho). Little things but heartfelt things....not jsut oh yeah, gott get everyone some sort of generic gift to make them all happy for Hospital Week. Who has the beast specials on?
So I know I am coming off sounding very unappreciative and you are right - employees should not have to wait for one day or one week per year to be shown they are appreciated by some chintzy gift. It should be a year round process - and it only takes little personal things to make people happier.
In fact the nicest Nurse's Day I ever had was the very first year I was a nurse.....the DON (Director of Nursing for those of you who dont know) came around our medium sized community hospital, and pinned a corsage on each nurse (ermagawd, dont report that to Infection Control!!!).....the very best things is - she knew the names of all of her nurses so she always had something special and personal to say to each person.
And then different hospitals started celebrating in different ways. Special meals for the nurses, special gifts. Another hospital actually had a nice little breakfast for the nurses - all the serving done by management - with a nice little talk about Florence Nightengale. Now dont get me wrong, Flo was a wonderful old gal but when you have just worked your what-ever-in-a-row nightshift, and sitting down to eat a carb heavy meal waiting for the prizes, the gifts, the raffles whatever, well, nightshift could get a little punchy.....yup we got ourselves in trouble one year when we all got the giggles and just could not stop....
But lets go thru the years when apparently someone got their tiny little knickers in a twist because ONLY nurses were getting recognition so it morphed into Nurses Day and Hospital Week so that ALL the employees could be involved with the meals and special gifts.....wah wah wah.
And so now the gifts are more generic, and cheaper. Lunch bags that rip within a week or year we got a nice backpack but they didnt stand up to much....a messenger bag that was a bit more sturdy.....a beach towel that was so thin it did not make its way thru the first wash without starting to disintegrate. We did get a nice backed picnic blanket and an especially nice trunk organizer that I am still using. But this year.....well, this year was the piece de resistance.
An 8" x 5.75" bamboo (Made in CHina of course) cutting board. Oh I guess I could put it in my Nurse's Day lunch bag......nope, that bit the dust within weeks after getting it......and why would I take it to work anyway? I would be assuming I would actually get a long enough lunch to have time to cut cheese up....well, maybe I could because at the size this is there wouldnt be much cheese to cut up.
Well, just something else that will set around and then end up at Goodwill like all those Made in China water bottles. I try very hard not to buy anything Made in CHina that is going to come in contact with food or drink you see.
So present a problem or complaint, no present a solution. How about all year long we are recognized - hey good job everyone - it was a hell of a shift but you pulled together and we all survived! Or - hey, I see you are really busy, what can I do to help you? Coupons for coffee or ice cream or bagels or a movie (guess that would mean we have a life outside work tho). Little things but heartfelt things....not jsut oh yeah, gott get everyone some sort of generic gift to make them all happy for Hospital Week. Who has the beast specials on?
So I know I am coming off sounding very unappreciative and you are right - employees should not have to wait for one day or one week per year to be shown they are appreciated by some chintzy gift. It should be a year round process - and it only takes little personal things to make people happier.
Wednesday, May 2, 2018
Beautiful Day
Well, it would be if it wasn't spring....
Yet another day hubby decided I had to be up early (no sleeping in for me this week! Sleeping in, BTW, means till 0800) and tomorrow I will be up early to get labs drawn and then my mammo.
Started putting together the little cabinet and found that we bought the wrong hinges......drat.
Helped hubby a bit. Then I soaked and blocked n entry for the Country Fair (the I-Dont-Like-It Cowl) and a gift for a June birthday.
Then we started earrands. Picking up his paycheck.....driving to Berkeley to get the veneer for the risers on the stairs. While he was doing that I poked around Urban Ore. Found lots of goodies but didnt buy anything. Of course this time they had lots of granite and I didnt have the measurements I needed for the dough table. Murphy's Law.
Decided to stop in San Ramon for lunch and the diner is long went to Habit. Must be a new one because boy things were not working well!
Back to Home Depot to get another hinge, and some more paint. And then over to pick up the milled stair treads.
Finally home. Put the new hinges on and now the door doesnt fit the same. So we need to put a little board in it which means more painting - but now hubby cant remember where he put the brushes! So we are done with that for awhile!
I hear 2 of the boys are going to spend the night Friday (I work Thurs, Fri and Sat this week) so that hubby can take them to track over here at GHS Saturday morning. No upstairs! So they will either sleep in bed with PaPa, on the couch, or maybe we will get the cots out!
Yet another day hubby decided I had to be up early (no sleeping in for me this week! Sleeping in, BTW, means till 0800) and tomorrow I will be up early to get labs drawn and then my mammo.
Started putting together the little cabinet and found that we bought the wrong hinges......drat.
Helped hubby a bit. Then I soaked and blocked n entry for the Country Fair (the I-Dont-Like-It Cowl) and a gift for a June birthday.
Then we started earrands. Picking up his paycheck.....driving to Berkeley to get the veneer for the risers on the stairs. While he was doing that I poked around Urban Ore. Found lots of goodies but didnt buy anything. Of course this time they had lots of granite and I didnt have the measurements I needed for the dough table. Murphy's Law.
Decided to stop in San Ramon for lunch and the diner is long went to Habit. Must be a new one because boy things were not working well!
Back to Home Depot to get another hinge, and some more paint. And then over to pick up the milled stair treads.
Finally home. Put the new hinges on and now the door doesnt fit the same. So we need to put a little board in it which means more painting - but now hubby cant remember where he put the brushes! So we are done with that for awhile!
I hear 2 of the boys are going to spend the night Friday (I work Thurs, Fri and Sat this week) so that hubby can take them to track over here at GHS Saturday morning. No upstairs! So they will either sleep in bed with PaPa, on the couch, or maybe we will get the cots out!
Tuesday, May 1, 2018
I Was A Good Girl Yesterday
Actually went in for my annual physical.....which is a laugh because I think my last one was a decade ago! Got questions answered - got caught up on my preventative tests (almost - came home and made my mammo appt for Thursday).
Did not get the slap on my hands that I deserved for letting things slide for so long. And found that I have lost about 5 lbs since the last time I weighted myself - which I knew I had lost weight because my most recent (and most expensive) pair of jeans are looser on me! And this is all without getting out and walking because of my enemy Spring!
Will do my lab work on Thursday morning too - pick up my RX that I am desperately going to try to fix my ugly to. Turned down a consult on my hand because MD is sure it is what I am sure it is - arthritis. And it is not bad enough to undergo the only treatment that either of us can think of that the hand specialist would try. So will jsut keep on using my Salon Pas as long as it works.
Of course I am dreading my mammo and having to explain why I let it lapse for so long (no excuse really). And am dreading the lab tests - cause I am pretty darn sure my cholesterol is going to be bad......and then I will have to have montly labs while I am taking the drug for my toe (as long as I escape any side effects that is).
Did not get the slap on my hands that I deserved for letting things slide for so long. And found that I have lost about 5 lbs since the last time I weighted myself - which I knew I had lost weight because my most recent (and most expensive) pair of jeans are looser on me! And this is all without getting out and walking because of my enemy Spring!
Will do my lab work on Thursday morning too - pick up my RX that I am desperately going to try to fix my ugly to. Turned down a consult on my hand because MD is sure it is what I am sure it is - arthritis. And it is not bad enough to undergo the only treatment that either of us can think of that the hand specialist would try. So will jsut keep on using my Salon Pas as long as it works.
Of course I am dreading my mammo and having to explain why I let it lapse for so long (no excuse really). And am dreading the lab tests - cause I am pretty darn sure my cholesterol is going to be bad......and then I will have to have montly labs while I am taking the drug for my toe (as long as I escape any side effects that is).
Sunday, April 29, 2018
Part 2
Because I forgot a few things.....
the most amazinfg thing to me.....standing in the dining area at the house where the reunion was ( either belongs to the father of a classmate, or the family of the classmate, not really sure) there was this HUMONGOUS hand written geneology chart on the wall. Was just glancing over at it when I saw hubby's last name on it! WHAT????? Yeah, back I dont know how many generations they are related! The only thing was, it must have been completed before he and his brother were born....and his mom's name is mis-spelled. His uncle is listed only by his nickname but still....
And I forgot to follow up with the * in the title of the previous post.....
At one point I said something to member of the class ahead of me about "the diploma I never recieved". One of the women looked at me and said "You mean you never graduated from high school???" (Trying hard to remember if she was blonde or not). Luckily everyone else knew what I meant and we were all laughing. Someone looked at her and said "Remember....the school closed right after we graduated? She is from the Class of 1971"
So this was the reunion of the HS class that did NOT graduate from JMHS....about 4 or 5 of my class graduated with the class of 1970.....the rest of us went on our seperate ways - Carmel HS. PGHS, MHS, Notre Dame/Palma HS, Santa Cataline and RLS.....
the most amazinfg thing to me.....standing in the dining area at the house where the reunion was ( either belongs to the father of a classmate, or the family of the classmate, not really sure) there was this HUMONGOUS hand written geneology chart on the wall. Was just glancing over at it when I saw hubby's last name on it! WHAT????? Yeah, back I dont know how many generations they are related! The only thing was, it must have been completed before he and his brother were born....and his mom's name is mis-spelled. His uncle is listed only by his nickname but still....
And I forgot to follow up with the * in the title of the previous post.....
At one point I said something to member of the class ahead of me about "the diploma I never recieved". One of the women looked at me and said "You mean you never graduated from high school???" (Trying hard to remember if she was blonde or not). Luckily everyone else knew what I meant and we were all laughing. Someone looked at her and said "Remember....the school closed right after we graduated? She is from the Class of 1971"
So this was the reunion of the HS class that did NOT graduate from JMHS....about 4 or 5 of my class graduated with the class of 1970.....the rest of us went on our seperate ways - Carmel HS. PGHS, MHS, Notre Dame/Palma HS, Santa Cataline and RLS.....
HS Reunion of the HS From Which I Did Not Graduate*
So the JMHS class of 1970 had a reunion and invited other classes to it. Drove down to Pacific Grove to spend the night at a friend's house, and then out to the reunion.
The day was semi cloudy and chilly to start with but got sunny and warmer as the day went on.
I remarked to hubby on the way that I find it very odd that I remember so many more people from the HS I went to for my senior year - than I do from the previous HS and even 8th grade. So I was a little apprehensive but decided to go with an open mind since it was only for a few hours and actually we could leave whenever we wanted to!
Thank goodness for name tags!!! And I have found with going to reunions for hubby's HS and the HS I graduated from, that the older we get the more enjoyable the reunions are because there is less and less clique-ish-ness!
My comment on this reunion:
The day was semi cloudy and chilly to start with but got sunny and warmer as the day went on.
I remarked to hubby on the way that I find it very odd that I remember so many more people from the HS I went to for my senior year - than I do from the previous HS and even 8th grade. So I was a little apprehensive but decided to go with an open mind since it was only for a few hours and actually we could leave whenever we wanted to!
Thank goodness for name tags!!! And I have found with going to reunions for hubby's HS and the HS I graduated from, that the older we get the more enjoyable the reunions are because there is less and less clique-ish-ness!
My comment on this reunion:
- The nice people were even nicer
- The men REALLY aged ....far more than the women
- And the guys that were all that in HS???? Oh my goodness, not even close any more......old, bald, fat, thin, looking!
- Most of the women looked older, of course, but so much better! Makeup, I guess, really helps!
- The food was not very good at all. The appetizers were some burchetta (ick) and olives, and bowls of ruffles potato chips. The BBQ chicken was not thoroughly cooked (the nice crunchy skin was, but the meat was pink and red).....the trip tip was ok.....the potatoes were some sort of au gratin that tasted odd.....the chopped salad was, well, a chopped salad. But the garlic bread was good!
- The Class of 1970 had the most people there - our class of 1971 had the second most (altho there were many people who werent there which was disappointing) and there were 9 people from the class of 1969!
- So sad to hear about the deaths of classmates.....all of them since 2010 I believe it was.
- One girl in our class who I swear I only heard speak a few times in HS.....was a chatterbox now!
Got back to our friend's home and sat around talking. Watched a beautiful sunset and the stars coming out and then sat around his firepit drinking some was lovely.
Today we had breakfast with other friends and headed home. So funny to have a hosue without dogs. They will be so mad at us tomorrow when we pick them up!
Wednesday, April 25, 2018
This Weekend
This weekend is my annual Bras For The Cause Walk. Use to be on Mother's Day but last year they moved it up to April. Not sure why.
This weekend is also a high school reunion - the HS I almost graduated from. Oh dont worry - I graduated from HS! But Junipero Memorial High School in Monterey was closed by the money grubbing bishop at the end of my junior year. They kept accepting classes and decided to just clsoe it down....rather than stop admitting classes and let the last classes graduate. We protested - and demostrated - all to no avail. It was supposedly a cost management thing....yet the Bishop still maintained his hosue out in Pebble Beach. So what was my HS is not the elementary school that use to be across the street.
So several people in the class had enough credits that they went ahead and graduated early. The rest of us dispersed across the community. My parents chose to continue my Catholic education and sent me to the Catholic HS in Salinas, Notre Dame. And I must say I had the best year of my HS career. Not the least because it ended up with me having a new car to drive back and forth! Not the car I wanted....but it was a car and we had some great times with that car and I made some great friends!
So the last class to graduate from JMHS is having a reunion and they opened it to anyone who went to JMHS. There have been other reunions but I have not gone to any of them. This year I happened to have the weekend off to do the walk.
Weeks of decision making - and weeks of horrible allergies! - and I decided what the heck, lets go to the reunion. I know I will know 2 people there - they have promised to attend! Otherwise - I am not sure I will remember anyone which is interesting to me since I spent at least 3 years with these people. But I was part of the nerd crowd, not the jocks, not the popular ones. So this will be interesting and yes, my anti-social self is quivering in fear.
But the other part of me - the part who at my 50th birthday decided I would never turn anything down ONLY because of fear says - hey what the heck, it is only a few hours out of my life. And I will either hate it or enjoy it, and maybe a combo of both!
The bad thing is the dogs have to go to the kennel. And we had Bella to the vet yesterday about her granuloma which she continues to lick.....have ordered another style of cone for her and we are trying laser therapy - which the vet says may or may not work but she, being a skeptic she says, has been surprised at the things it helps. We will have to see if she can eat with the new cone (which doesnt arrive till Friday) before we decide what to do about her being in a stressful situation for 2 nights.
This weekend is also a high school reunion - the HS I almost graduated from. Oh dont worry - I graduated from HS! But Junipero Memorial High School in Monterey was closed by the money grubbing bishop at the end of my junior year. They kept accepting classes and decided to just clsoe it down....rather than stop admitting classes and let the last classes graduate. We protested - and demostrated - all to no avail. It was supposedly a cost management thing....yet the Bishop still maintained his hosue out in Pebble Beach. So what was my HS is not the elementary school that use to be across the street.
So several people in the class had enough credits that they went ahead and graduated early. The rest of us dispersed across the community. My parents chose to continue my Catholic education and sent me to the Catholic HS in Salinas, Notre Dame. And I must say I had the best year of my HS career. Not the least because it ended up with me having a new car to drive back and forth! Not the car I wanted....but it was a car and we had some great times with that car and I made some great friends!
So the last class to graduate from JMHS is having a reunion and they opened it to anyone who went to JMHS. There have been other reunions but I have not gone to any of them. This year I happened to have the weekend off to do the walk.
Weeks of decision making - and weeks of horrible allergies! - and I decided what the heck, lets go to the reunion. I know I will know 2 people there - they have promised to attend! Otherwise - I am not sure I will remember anyone which is interesting to me since I spent at least 3 years with these people. But I was part of the nerd crowd, not the jocks, not the popular ones. So this will be interesting and yes, my anti-social self is quivering in fear.
But the other part of me - the part who at my 50th birthday decided I would never turn anything down ONLY because of fear says - hey what the heck, it is only a few hours out of my life. And I will either hate it or enjoy it, and maybe a combo of both!
The bad thing is the dogs have to go to the kennel. And we had Bella to the vet yesterday about her granuloma which she continues to lick.....have ordered another style of cone for her and we are trying laser therapy - which the vet says may or may not work but she, being a skeptic she says, has been surprised at the things it helps. We will have to see if she can eat with the new cone (which doesnt arrive till Friday) before we decide what to do about her being in a stressful situation for 2 nights.
Friday, April 6, 2018
Easter Photos
Every year we try to get this pose.....they were not very cooperative this year....and neither was the sun!
And yes they all wanted to do an Easter egg hunt.....competitive like their mama's?
I cannot believe how tall these two are! On the left is Owen, who will be 13 this June. His mom and especially his dad are very tall. On the right is Connor who just turned 15 in November. Taller than both parents but he has grandfathers who are tall and other family.
The dogs werent too happy about this photo - maybe Ralph is complaining about the pink ears and Bella about the blue?
My lilacs were in all their glory for Easter. I just wish they would last longer than the do. They are really getting beaten down by the rain today. This year we really have to figure out how to cut this back a bit.
The prettiest daffodils I have ever them at the Pleasanton Farmer;s Market the day before Easter and they are still looking lovely
And yes they all wanted to do an Easter egg hunt.....competitive like their mama's?
I cannot believe how tall these two are! On the left is Owen, who will be 13 this June. His mom and especially his dad are very tall. On the right is Connor who just turned 15 in November. Taller than both parents but he has grandfathers who are tall and other family.
The dogs werent too happy about this photo - maybe Ralph is complaining about the pink ears and Bella about the blue?
My lilacs were in all their glory for Easter. I just wish they would last longer than the do. They are really getting beaten down by the rain today. This year we really have to figure out how to cut this back a bit.
The prettiest daffodils I have ever them at the Pleasanton Farmer;s Market the day before Easter and they are still looking lovely
I Hate Spring
Spring is so decieving.
You think it is beautiful - kind - a nice exit to winter and entrance to summer.
No it isnt....sure all the flowers are beautiful, the grass is green again, and the trees have leaves coming out and maybe beautiful flowers.
But it is a mean and hateful season.
You see - every year spring tries to kill me.
Sneezing and congestion - coughing - itching ears and eyes.
Spring hates me.
Maybe because it knows my favorite season is autumn?
I hate spring and cannot wait for it to be over - seems like it is starting earlier every year.
So the other night we decided to have pasta for dinner.....
Side note: when I was growing up, it was spaghetti, The long thing noodles. That was the only spaghetti I knew about. Well, that and the macaroni used in salads and in mac and cheese.
Then all of a sudden a new generation came around and spaghetti became "pasta" with hundreds of different shapes! La de dah! But that night we had spaghetti - the long thin noodles.
And so we decided to have a glass of wine with dinner and hubby chose red wine.
Side note: we are both learning to appreciate red wine. He has always had some sort of reaction to most red wines, and I just dont really like the taste of red wine. But he has learned to try it, has learned a trick or two about it, and I am becoming more appreciative of some.
So we found an open bottle of cab and decided we would finish that off. I poured two glasses and we sat down to eat. Before I was even 1/2 way thru my glass I felt my face catch on fire - whoomp! From my jaw to my forehead it was steaming hot! DH asked what was wrong - I told him and turned towards him - and he said my face was bright red. By this time the skin all around my eyes was starting to itch - not the eyeballs themselves - just the skin. So then he started to lecture me on how this was karma for all the times I would not respond the way he wanted me to when he was having the flushes and all from the red wine.
I waited a few minutes and the heat was starting to subside so I pushed the wine away but continued to eat dinner. And after dinner I fed the dogs. Then I went into the bathroom - no heat coming from my face anymore and my face was not flushed - but I looked like a demonic raccoon!
The skin all around my eyes was bright red and they looked like skin that was swollen and is starting to return to normal looks. About an hour later my eyes were fine......maybe just a teensy bit itchy still but not red and swollen/deflated looking.
Needless to say I am not drinking any more of that wine!
So the question remains - I had partaken of wine from that bottle before without any problems - was it because of my allergies? Because of my allergy medication or the other supplements I take? It didnt appear to be the garlic/basil/tomatoes that were in the sauce on the spaghetti because this happened after several drinks of wine - not many bites of food plus I was able to finish the food without issue.
Probably be something I will never figure the answer to - and I dont know that I will ever have the courage to try that wine again!
Side note: many years ago we went out to dinner and I had a glass of my usual white wine. After several drinks of it all of a sudden my lips were numb!! That was the first time I had a reaction to any wine. And for a long time I remembered the name of that wine and made sure I didnt have it again. Alas, I have forgotten the name of it but even when I order the house wine I ask where it is from now....
Going into a 3 day stretch - Thursday/Friday/Saturday. Was hoping to have Saturday off but no, I got call last night. All because of a schedule switch ..... when I am on call I have two choices: get some sleep or try and stay on my night schedule and stay up all night. Unfortunately I get sleepy while at home.
And last night I was barely able to keep my eyes open past 2330 so went to bed and.....yuppers, wide awake! Finally must have fallen asleep because I was wide awake at 0222.....and 0435.....and 0530.....and 0617.....and 0730......finally gave up and got up at 0830. Every time I wake up I have to check my phone to see what time it is, and to check and make sure I did not sleep thru a phone call (which has never happened - knock wood! but I still have that awful feeling it might have happened!). I gaurantee I will nap well this afternoon - but now I dont think I can afford to ask for call on Saturday night darn it all. But the good news it - I only have 2 nights in a row to work now.....until next week.
You think it is beautiful - kind - a nice exit to winter and entrance to summer.
No it isnt....sure all the flowers are beautiful, the grass is green again, and the trees have leaves coming out and maybe beautiful flowers.
But it is a mean and hateful season.
You see - every year spring tries to kill me.
Sneezing and congestion - coughing - itching ears and eyes.
Spring hates me.
Maybe because it knows my favorite season is autumn?
I hate spring and cannot wait for it to be over - seems like it is starting earlier every year.
So the other night we decided to have pasta for dinner.....
Side note: when I was growing up, it was spaghetti, The long thing noodles. That was the only spaghetti I knew about. Well, that and the macaroni used in salads and in mac and cheese.
Then all of a sudden a new generation came around and spaghetti became "pasta" with hundreds of different shapes! La de dah! But that night we had spaghetti - the long thin noodles.
And so we decided to have a glass of wine with dinner and hubby chose red wine.
Side note: we are both learning to appreciate red wine. He has always had some sort of reaction to most red wines, and I just dont really like the taste of red wine. But he has learned to try it, has learned a trick or two about it, and I am becoming more appreciative of some.
So we found an open bottle of cab and decided we would finish that off. I poured two glasses and we sat down to eat. Before I was even 1/2 way thru my glass I felt my face catch on fire - whoomp! From my jaw to my forehead it was steaming hot! DH asked what was wrong - I told him and turned towards him - and he said my face was bright red. By this time the skin all around my eyes was starting to itch - not the eyeballs themselves - just the skin. So then he started to lecture me on how this was karma for all the times I would not respond the way he wanted me to when he was having the flushes and all from the red wine.
I waited a few minutes and the heat was starting to subside so I pushed the wine away but continued to eat dinner. And after dinner I fed the dogs. Then I went into the bathroom - no heat coming from my face anymore and my face was not flushed - but I looked like a demonic raccoon!
The skin all around my eyes was bright red and they looked like skin that was swollen and is starting to return to normal looks. About an hour later my eyes were fine......maybe just a teensy bit itchy still but not red and swollen/deflated looking.
Needless to say I am not drinking any more of that wine!
So the question remains - I had partaken of wine from that bottle before without any problems - was it because of my allergies? Because of my allergy medication or the other supplements I take? It didnt appear to be the garlic/basil/tomatoes that were in the sauce on the spaghetti because this happened after several drinks of wine - not many bites of food plus I was able to finish the food without issue.
Probably be something I will never figure the answer to - and I dont know that I will ever have the courage to try that wine again!
Side note: many years ago we went out to dinner and I had a glass of my usual white wine. After several drinks of it all of a sudden my lips were numb!! That was the first time I had a reaction to any wine. And for a long time I remembered the name of that wine and made sure I didnt have it again. Alas, I have forgotten the name of it but even when I order the house wine I ask where it is from now....
Going into a 3 day stretch - Thursday/Friday/Saturday. Was hoping to have Saturday off but no, I got call last night. All because of a schedule switch ..... when I am on call I have two choices: get some sleep or try and stay on my night schedule and stay up all night. Unfortunately I get sleepy while at home.
And last night I was barely able to keep my eyes open past 2330 so went to bed and.....yuppers, wide awake! Finally must have fallen asleep because I was wide awake at 0222.....and 0435.....and 0530.....and 0617.....and 0730......finally gave up and got up at 0830. Every time I wake up I have to check my phone to see what time it is, and to check and make sure I did not sleep thru a phone call (which has never happened - knock wood! but I still have that awful feeling it might have happened!). I gaurantee I will nap well this afternoon - but now I dont think I can afford to ask for call on Saturday night darn it all. But the good news it - I only have 2 nights in a row to work now.....until next week.
Saturday, March 31, 2018
Happy Easter!
Not as many pierogies this year - but they are larger! And I am TIRED!
It fell apart in 3 pieces as I turned the bundt pan over.....and then when I moved the plate - well, it is now in 5 pieces! So I think it will be sliced and served with ice cream if anyone wants some - and I can nuke the frosting adn dribble it over all! Still need to frost the carrot cake....
It fell apart in 3 pieces as I turned the bundt pan over.....and then when I moved the plate - well, it is now in 5 pieces! So I think it will be sliced and served with ice cream if anyone wants some - and I can nuke the frosting adn dribble it over all! Still need to frost the carrot cake....
Look what a friend made and sent to me! The candy is us just lovely
And this is from our daughter, son in law, and their 3 boys. The chocolate covered strawberries are very good!
Sunday, February 4, 2018
Dropped off knives and a pair of scissors at the Farmer's Market to be sharpened today (because we keep forgetting to take them on Saturday!) - and then drove over to the bimonthly opening of the
There were several things that I jsut could not (would not affford) or had room for (a lovely little chest of drawers/nightstand/endtable with the most beautiful top; a beautiful wrought iron planter; and a pair of what were probably angel wings but since they were edged in green of course they are Eagles Wings today!).
So a few of the things I did NOT buy:
I really should have gotten this bank - cause it says it all!!!
They had 2 of these sweaters - small, medium, and large. 3 different yarns. Deceptively simple. Lovely. This one is the large - for $120!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
These are the wings I really wanted - but they were $110! Angel wings were very popular in the store today - different sizes, different materials, different presentations.
And then what I did buy (except for the rocky road fudge for husband since he only fussed a little bit about me spending money!!)
I am going to figure this out for a plantar. Thinking maybe a little ivy - it can come out the bottom and the sides - of a viney-succulent
Had to buy this for a prototype. I love it. Perfect to clip wallet sized photos on. Or lists, or something. The back has one of those easel stands. Looks like maybe Michael's or Hobby Lobby.
My husband said NO - several times! - to this but I just had to have it (I walked away from the table, the planter, and wings right????). Going to pot a small plant of some sort and place it inside and hand it on patio. It is sweet. And goes along with the bird themed hanging I have on the back fence!
And this guy says it all for today = FLY EAGLES FLY!!!!!!!!!!!!
So proud of them - and am hoping/wishing/hoping.....(sorry Dad!)
Meanwhile BH has the chili cooking (oh my - it smells so good!!) and the brownies are in the oven (they smell good too!).....bottled coke in the fridge (we usually get a beer but never really drink it.....)
There were several things that I jsut could not (would not affford) or had room for (a lovely little chest of drawers/nightstand/endtable with the most beautiful top; a beautiful wrought iron planter; and a pair of what were probably angel wings but since they were edged in green of course they are Eagles Wings today!).
So a few of the things I did NOT buy:
I really should have gotten this bank - cause it says it all!!!
They had 2 of these sweaters - small, medium, and large. 3 different yarns. Deceptively simple. Lovely. This one is the large - for $120!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
These are the wings I really wanted - but they were $110! Angel wings were very popular in the store today - different sizes, different materials, different presentations.
And then what I did buy (except for the rocky road fudge for husband since he only fussed a little bit about me spending money!!)
I am going to figure this out for a plantar. Thinking maybe a little ivy - it can come out the bottom and the sides - of a viney-succulent
Had to buy this for a prototype. I love it. Perfect to clip wallet sized photos on. Or lists, or something. The back has one of those easel stands. Looks like maybe Michael's or Hobby Lobby.
My husband said NO - several times! - to this but I just had to have it (I walked away from the table, the planter, and wings right????). Going to pot a small plant of some sort and place it inside and hand it on patio. It is sweet. And goes along with the bird themed hanging I have on the back fence!
And this guy says it all for today = FLY EAGLES FLY!!!!!!!!!!!!
So proud of them - and am hoping/wishing/hoping.....(sorry Dad!)
Meanwhile BH has the chili cooking (oh my - it smells so good!!) and the brownies are in the oven (they smell good too!).....bottled coke in the fridge (we usually get a beer but never really drink it.....)
Saturday, February 3, 2018
I dont have a place to hang this yet - but it is done!
I was very disappointed tho that the other piece - which was also supposed to completed by 1/31 - was not done yet. And still not done even tho it was supposedly being worked on yesterday. I am starting to get suspicious and worried.....
Found out they will mount/mat/frame with your own frame so I will be taking my bird in next. Was going to do my Santa & Jesus but under the bright lights I saw some stains. So it is soaking now.
Got my Phila Eagles shirt - because it has been cold and it is still winter I ordered long sleeves. And of course this week we started with a heat wave!!!
Beautiful beautiful day today - KILLING me just sitting home but now the BH's ankle is hurting. He thinks he twisted it last week at the golf tournament. I thought he was complaining about the bottom of his feet hurting - which had been his previous complaint - but then I saw his foot when he took the sock off and it was quite swollen. SO now of course he thinks he might have CHF.......oh my .....PATIENCE is the word of the year and it is getting quite the workout.
Saw the MD for the F/U on his shoulder - and now he goes back in 2 months. He did ask him about his fingers getting locked and as soon as that doctor heard BH had carpal tunnel surgery.....well, not he has an appt to go back to see that doc. And we made an appt for cardiologist.
And people wonder why I never go to a doctor???? Who has time????????
Got all the plants moved back to their spots and watered them - they were quite dry with the increase in heat. Getting laundry done. Waiting for my order (2/3 of what I need) to do my last semester of my Senior Year at Loopy Academy. And altho I jsut got a hat and a bear done - I realized it is a new month and need to make another of both....
Speaking of which I scored some yarn today at a garage sale. Taking all but 2 skeins to the person who goes to Ethiopia every year (except for last year due to the disease breakouts and unrest). And got one of those little mini ironing boards - those table top ones? I can use it hear but also will be perfect for the trailer (except for the fact that I do not have an iron for the trailer). Missed out on a neat $5 planter by 1 minute at a garage sale.....oh well.....
I was very disappointed tho that the other piece - which was also supposed to completed by 1/31 - was not done yet. And still not done even tho it was supposedly being worked on yesterday. I am starting to get suspicious and worried.....
Found out they will mount/mat/frame with your own frame so I will be taking my bird in next. Was going to do my Santa & Jesus but under the bright lights I saw some stains. So it is soaking now.
Got my Phila Eagles shirt - because it has been cold and it is still winter I ordered long sleeves. And of course this week we started with a heat wave!!!
Beautiful beautiful day today - KILLING me just sitting home but now the BH's ankle is hurting. He thinks he twisted it last week at the golf tournament. I thought he was complaining about the bottom of his feet hurting - which had been his previous complaint - but then I saw his foot when he took the sock off and it was quite swollen. SO now of course he thinks he might have CHF.......oh my .....PATIENCE is the word of the year and it is getting quite the workout.
Saw the MD for the F/U on his shoulder - and now he goes back in 2 months. He did ask him about his fingers getting locked and as soon as that doctor heard BH had carpal tunnel surgery.....well, not he has an appt to go back to see that doc. And we made an appt for cardiologist.
And people wonder why I never go to a doctor???? Who has time????????
Got all the plants moved back to their spots and watered them - they were quite dry with the increase in heat. Getting laundry done. Waiting for my order (2/3 of what I need) to do my last semester of my Senior Year at Loopy Academy. And altho I jsut got a hat and a bear done - I realized it is a new month and need to make another of both....
Speaking of which I scored some yarn today at a garage sale. Taking all but 2 skeins to the person who goes to Ethiopia every year (except for last year due to the disease breakouts and unrest). And got one of those little mini ironing boards - those table top ones? I can use it hear but also will be perfect for the trailer (except for the fact that I do not have an iron for the trailer). Missed out on a neat $5 planter by 1 minute at a garage sale.....oh well.....
Tuesday, January 30, 2018
So I started a binder - it is holding the patterns of things I definitely want to knit this year. And on the pocket of the back side of the binder I put a table listing the items and all 12 months.......
And I have already checked off 2 items for January. I am hoping/planning/wishing to do a hat each month for so that I will have 12 to send to them instead of just 4. And so I have made the first one - for January - and put a check mark in the box.
Every year I am determined to make a teddy bear each month for my friend to take to Ethiopia when she goes with And each year I miserably fail (just gave her 4 - a measly FOUR to take this year). Well January;s bear is in the totebag and there is a check mark on the calendar!
Do I think I will really accomplish what I have set out to do?
But I am really trying this year instead of just talking the talk.....
And at some point I have to relearn how to crochet to make the little gifts I want to do for Christmas this year - which means more than 12 of them but they are not very large .....
And I have already checked off 2 items for January. I am hoping/planning/wishing to do a hat each month for so that I will have 12 to send to them instead of just 4. And so I have made the first one - for January - and put a check mark in the box.
Every year I am determined to make a teddy bear each month for my friend to take to Ethiopia when she goes with And each year I miserably fail (just gave her 4 - a measly FOUR to take this year). Well January;s bear is in the totebag and there is a check mark on the calendar!
Do I think I will really accomplish what I have set out to do?
But I am really trying this year instead of just talking the talk.....
And at some point I have to relearn how to crochet to make the little gifts I want to do for Christmas this year - which means more than 12 of them but they are not very large .....
Thursday, January 25, 2018
Do Not Buy THIS Item Part 2
But for a different reason!
I am afraid if I recommend a trip to Trader Joe's for these delicious croissants - then the supply will be wiped out (which has happened for my husband's ice tea there - and the dog goodies we like!).
Got these on a whim to try - believing too good to be true - and they would be all dough and no filling - but I was wrong!
But I will warn you - it is hard to eat just one!
I am afraid if I recommend a trip to Trader Joe's for these delicious croissants - then the supply will be wiped out (which has happened for my husband's ice tea there - and the dog goodies we like!).
Got these on a whim to try - believing too good to be true - and they would be all dough and no filling - but I was wrong!
But I will warn you - it is hard to eat just one!
Sunday, January 21, 2018
You see that photo? Well, apparently that mug is from a dollhouse tea set. Because one pouch does NOT make a mug/tea cup full! It barely covered about 1/4 of the mug. And look at the calories and the carbs considering this is not even equal to one slice of cake - and there is NO frosting!
And check this one out! Let me make a comparison for you.....a package of Sugar Babies - SUGAR BABIES - sugar and corn syrup etc - is 190 calories!!!!!!!! And ONLY (in comparison to these) 44 carbs!!!
Really folks - if it wasnt still hot when I was trying to eat it - it was probably MAYBE 4 spoonfuls to eat.....
2 pouchs/box and they were $2.50 at Walmart.
Can we spell RIP OFF???????????
And check this one out! Let me make a comparison for you.....a package of Sugar Babies - SUGAR BABIES - sugar and corn syrup etc - is 190 calories!!!!!!!! And ONLY (in comparison to these) 44 carbs!!!
Really folks - if it wasnt still hot when I was trying to eat it - it was probably MAYBE 4 spoonfuls to eat.....
2 pouchs/box and they were $2.50 at Walmart.
Can we spell RIP OFF???????????
Wednesday, January 17, 2018
Bit The Bullet
And took 2 items into be framed - the kitty cat which will be a Christmas present for granddaughter and the USA one since that is the holiday represented in my stitching the comes the first.
Holey Moley!
So expensive even at the supposed 70% off!!!
The person helping me was very low key and no pressure.....explained everything.....was patient as I tried different things.
I think I will be happy especially since she said of course they stitch the pieces onto the board since they are stitchery - but I could have them taped if I wanted but they do not recommend it. I remember when I first started having things framed at Michael's there were no choices.....then you had to request and pay extra for the stitching. Glad to see they have upped their expertise!
Holey Moley!
So expensive even at the supposed 70% off!!!
The person helping me was very low key and no pressure.....explained everything.....was patient as I tried different things.
I think I will be happy especially since she said of course they stitch the pieces onto the board since they are stitchery - but I could have them taped if I wanted but they do not recommend it. I remember when I first started having things framed at Michael's there were no choices.....then you had to request and pay extra for the stitching. Glad to see they have upped their expertise!
Monday, January 8, 2018
2018 - year of clearing out!
Yup, time to start clearing out. Already started when we were putting our Christmas stuff (as little as we put out) away. Went thru the 4 bins and sorted things to be thrown out and things to be donated.
Now I have found a whole lotta things that need to be finished. In most cases it is cross stitch from the 90's that needs to be framed. Some need to be finished. Found one of a pair of socks but no pattern and doesnt look like enough yarn for a 2d one.....found the pattern for a pair of sock 1/2 done - Yahoo!
Threw out an awful acrylic stocking I had started. Kept the remainder of the yarn....
Have started a binder with projects that I plan to make this year - cause I get these ideas and forget until the very last minute. And on the back I put a table which I can check off what is done. I am always saying I am going to make a teddy bear each month for Sharon to take to Ethiopia....well, that is on the table with monthly blocks to check off.....and I only made 4 hats for the Little Hats/Big Hearts campaign, so that is on the table for monthly check offs too.
Will I be 100% successful? Probably not - but it is a start at changing some habits!
Now this doesnt look finished - but do I think I can find the pattern??? Ha! If I was invested in this enough I could add some sort of border......and I should.......and then it could be made into a picture or a pillow
Wonder what I had in mind for this flock of ladybugs? Maybe scissor fobs?? Any suggestions?
This was hard to photograph because it is so pale - creams, peaches...but it is lovely. I think it will be framed instead of made into a bell pull type of hanging
I should definitely get this one framed first!!
Cant remember which magazine this came from....and it was once framed....but the frame broke. So time to reframe it
And look at this - who knew in 1991 that this would be perfect for a granddaughter??? I think I made this in honor of Pretty Kitty/Kat because it look like her. Anyway, will get this framed and give it to my granddaughter for Christmas or her birthday. But of course it is on white so it is dirty so it is soaking right now (already pressed everything else pictured here)
Who knows where this pattern came from???!!! And those must be stems for something....shamrocks? Flowers? I will have to come up with something to finish it and then get it framed
I think this - and the next two - were supposed to be Christmas ornaments. And I do have several of those little pillows that you place stitched pieces into. Just have to go out and buy some fray check for the edges.....if I had a sewing table set up (ha! referring to my Christmas 2017 list....) I could jsut whip stitch/zip zag the edges....
I know who this was made for....but I think it was supposed to be for a picture for his office. Guess it will become a pillow instead....
I think I have the frame for this. if I can find a board for the frame I could do this one myself. If I cant find a board looks like I will be looking for a new frame.....I think this one is so sweet
I might have to get a 2d job to pay for all this framing.....
Who knows what else I will find? I did find some lovely sock yarn that will go with one of my patterns for my Sock Challenge for the year....
Now I have found a whole lotta things that need to be finished. In most cases it is cross stitch from the 90's that needs to be framed. Some need to be finished. Found one of a pair of socks but no pattern and doesnt look like enough yarn for a 2d one.....found the pattern for a pair of sock 1/2 done - Yahoo!
Threw out an awful acrylic stocking I had started. Kept the remainder of the yarn....
Have started a binder with projects that I plan to make this year - cause I get these ideas and forget until the very last minute. And on the back I put a table which I can check off what is done. I am always saying I am going to make a teddy bear each month for Sharon to take to Ethiopia....well, that is on the table with monthly blocks to check off.....and I only made 4 hats for the Little Hats/Big Hearts campaign, so that is on the table for monthly check offs too.
Will I be 100% successful? Probably not - but it is a start at changing some habits!
Wonder what I had in mind for this flock of ladybugs? Maybe scissor fobs?? Any suggestions?
This was hard to photograph because it is so pale - creams, peaches...but it is lovely. I think it will be framed instead of made into a bell pull type of hanging
I should definitely get this one framed first!!
Cant remember which magazine this came from....and it was once framed....but the frame broke. So time to reframe it
And look at this - who knew in 1991 that this would be perfect for a granddaughter??? I think I made this in honor of Pretty Kitty/Kat because it look like her. Anyway, will get this framed and give it to my granddaughter for Christmas or her birthday. But of course it is on white so it is dirty so it is soaking right now (already pressed everything else pictured here)
Who knows where this pattern came from???!!! And those must be stems for something....shamrocks? Flowers? I will have to come up with something to finish it and then get it framed
I think this - and the next two - were supposed to be Christmas ornaments. And I do have several of those little pillows that you place stitched pieces into. Just have to go out and buy some fray check for the edges.....if I had a sewing table set up (ha! referring to my Christmas 2017 list....) I could jsut whip stitch/zip zag the edges....
I know who this was made for....but I think it was supposed to be for a picture for his office. Guess it will become a pillow instead....
I think I have the frame for this. if I can find a board for the frame I could do this one myself. If I cant find a board looks like I will be looking for a new frame.....I think this one is so sweet
I might have to get a 2d job to pay for all this framing.....
Who knows what else I will find? I did find some lovely sock yarn that will go with one of my patterns for my Sock Challenge for the year....
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Wow - I did not post ANYTHING for over a year? But I have thought about it! And so much has happened! I came here to tell a funny little s...

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Wow - I did not post ANYTHING for over a year? But I have thought about it! And so much has happened! I came here to tell a funny little s...
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