Yes, I know I am a bit late with the message.....but it has been a long long week.
I ended up working 3 days in a row - because someone wanted to work my Thanksgiving! YAY!!! Well, I dont know.....they tried to kill this old woman.....3 looooooooong days, on my feet all day, no lunches, barely any bathroom breaks.....not sure why so many women decided they had to have their babies in the 3 days before Thanksgiving! Thank God for extra strenth tylenol!
Thanksgiving was lovely. A little wierd tho. First time in over 30 years that hubby and I have not cooked it. We went to daughter #1 house......she did the turkey and most of everything. We did a salad, the relish plate, an pies. Her MIL brought over some things too.
Went with the boys to see The Muppets - it was cute - the boys were good. But it was a long and noisy day....probably because I was still tired.
Yesterday we drove to San Jose to the Harvest Festival. We go every year. This might have been our last year. Smaller than usual.....mostly same old stuff....except for what we went for, and it wasnt there! I spnt less than $30 which is amazing....
Today was Small Business Saturday. We went to the donut shop for breakfast (small business), the Farmer's Market (many small businesses)....ok, had to go to Joann's to get some buttons and things and I know that isnt a small business, and neither was Safeway....then we were going to walk around downtown but there really wasnt anything there that we hadnt seen we hit some of the local thrift shops - the hospital one and the shelter one, not the chain ones.....
And at the hospital one I found:

a piece of the Balleek china I collect - for $10!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Better yet, it was 50% off!!!!!!!!!
Also got some yarn for the teddy bears, a couple of Christmasy serving plates, a book I have been wanting, and a wine bottle gift box.....not a bad day at all!
Then came home andfinished digging out a corner that turned ito storage way back when we painted our room and we just hadnt gotten around to clearing it out. Thought it was going to be the area for the Christmas Tree but then Old Scrooge decided - after all his bah humbugging about it - that he is going to put up his North Pole Village after we brought in the tables for that.
Been packing boxes to ship to daughter #2 in TN.....and I jsut know remembered something I havent wrapped! Glad I only sealed up one of the 2 boxes!
I really want to get all my boxes mailed this week and then I can work on cards....but I am waiting for a couple ofthings to come that need to go into the boxes....
I work tomorrow and I am achy again.....and mixed up since I usually dont split weekends...what day is this??? I work Sunday and Monday and I am sure I will be convinced that they are Sat and Sun all week long!
Just as long as I dont forget my haircut on Tuesday....and work on Wed and then 4 days off!!! This weekend is the Wine Trails which should be fun - have only done that about 3 times cause it is usually on my w/e to work....and then a family reunion for hubby's side on Sunday. That should be fun....but boy, time is starting to fly by - still need t get to Monterey, and San Francisco before Christmas - work really interferes with life sometimes!